Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Who's cool?

Anyone who has been reading my blog for a while knows how much Duke loves the pool. If you are new around these parts you can see Duke's love of swimming video. Go ahead and watch, I'll wait for you to get back before I go on with the post.

That was fast, did you enjoy the video? Oh I'm sorry I forgot to leave a bowl of popcorn out for you. I'll try and remember next time.
So on with the post.
Duke loves to swim and this time of year he gets a little antsy going out on the deck and the pool isn't ready yet. He longingly looks at the water and sits in front of the ladder waiting for the water to magically clear up. Since that hasn't happened and the weather has been just right for swimming I bought Duke a little present. Oh yeah, and to make up for leaving him home alone too.
Ready to see what he got?
I admit, it's not the same thing, he can't actually swim. He does enjoy it though when I stand next to it and splash. I did the trick and cooled him off quite nicely too. He isn't ignoring you in the picture, he's showing you his profile shot. He said he thought that was his best side.


jeanlivingsimple said...

I remember that cool video. Who is Cool? Duke is the cool dude!!! Give him a hug for me!!!:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh how cute! Now he needs some floating squeak toys!! In the second part of your video, he is really going!!!! But he looks pooped when he comes out!

Donna said...

I think my Buddy would Love a pool...guess I'll have to go shopping!Hahaaa
Buddy loves water. Buddy says WoofWoof to Duke!

Julie Harward said...

He needs to come swim the river with Cougar...thanks for the cuteness! :D

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Just his size! I am amazed that dogs like chlorinated pools at all.

Lin said...

Oh, that'll do in a pinch! When are you opening the pool???

BeadedTail said...

We were wondering when Duke would get to go swimming this year! That little pool is perfect for him! He's such a cutie!

Tanyia said...

Oh how cute!!! Ginger kinda hates the water lol

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Julep and Derby look at their pool like it's a big drinking bowl ... maybe because it's solid blue and doesn't have pretty designs on it like yours.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Did it get really hot where you live these past three days? Heat index of 100 today! Move over, Duke. I'm coming in!

Actually I was wondering if Duke can swim. I have heard it comes naturally to dogs. Raider has never had the opportunity to be in a large body of water so I don't know what he would do.

My daughter once house and dog sat at a home where the was a pool. Their standard schnauzer hoped right in and swam fine.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute little guy, Ann... He's one lucky little doggie... And on a hot day like today, even I would want to get in there with Hank.

Chatty Crone said...

He is just the cutest thing ever - except for my Disco of course.

I can't believe he loves the water that much.

So cute.

Sandee said...

I remember that video and his birthday. Not long off until the next birthday too. I'll be here.

Duke always shows his best side. He's a cutie pie times two.

Oh and he'll my Awww...Mondays post on the 13th. I hope you both approve.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Catherine said...

What a lucky pup Duke is!!! How many other dogs can say they have their own pool??

Very fun!
xo Catherine

Helen said...

How cool is that! what a lucky dog he is.

booahboo said...

but but but... this ain't swimming. hahaha.. but while the big pool clears up, it would be nice to soak up here i guess :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely idea having a pool for Duke. Now I wonder whether my cat would enjoy a pool of her own. She didn't enjoy the pond when she fell into it though it was quite a lot colder than a pool and ended up with a sudsy bath to get all of the weed from out of her fur!

Rick (Ratty) said...

How does Duke like baths? My last dog loved the water, but hated baths.

Unknown said...

It is.

Jen said...

I told my husband yesterday that I was going to go get myself one of those to sit it *laugh*.

Sheryl Hastings said...

Oh yes! Duke loves his pool! I'm sure he's waiting for the chance to get into the big one.

Bubba hates our pool. He likes to float around on the raft but doesn't like it in the water.

Marg said...

Oh Duke, good score on that pool. That is a good substitute until the other pool is ready. At least you can get in the water and we like that side of you too. Have a really fun day.

Russ said...

You are looking good Duke. Nice to see you are able to cool off. I guess you can forgive her for leaving you home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVED the video, even without the popcorn. he does the same thing our max used to do, stands like he is saying get ready get set go. did i say i loved it? thanks for sending me back in time. what a great idea, i will talk to hubby about one of these for our dogs. they are afraid of our in ground pool, but could cool off in one of these. jake might love it. baby would not, she can't stand getting her feet wet.

DSS said...

Yay for your pool Duke! Louis wants one too, but he will only ever have one like your temporary pool. We haven't got a big fancy pool like you do. Yay for summer! Yay for puppy pools :)

Bossy Betty said...

What a great gift for Duke!!! It's not the real thing, but it will do for now!

Duni said...

That is such a great tub for Duke! Must be lots of fun for him to splash around in it! He looks adorable :)

Out on the prairie said...

Boy I am glad you don't spoil him.I would have a pup in there fast, mine found a puddle yesterday and just laid down in it, it was hot out.

Tammy said...

Looks like the perfect pool for cooling off. What a lucky boy Duke is.

a paper {life} said...

what a character
great picture

tahtimbo said...

Now that's a present! It's just right for this time of year when it's warm one day and cold the next. At least that's what it's like here. We go from 80 degrees one day back down to the lower 60's the next. Oh well, hopefully this weather will make up its mind soon :)

Anne said...

I have to say, Duke looks hilarious in his kiddy pool. Although I think his expression is saying that the kiddy pool doesn't make up for the big pool being closed.

Joanne Olivieri said...

His own little wading pool. He's a lucky little guy :)

Anonymous said...

Is that the lifeguard?

Donna said...

Tell Duke that all sides of him are his "best", LOL!

the booker man said...


i love that you love swimmies! we could totally hang out at the pool together. heehee. :)
i hope your mega pool will be ready very soon like, but it's nice that your mama got you a baby pool to relaxify in while you wait!

the booker man

Anonymous said...

love the pool :) Nova is wierd about playing in the ocean and is not a fan of baths...but will totally go in to the kiddie pool with my little brother and sister when they come to visit!

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