Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Will to survive

Do you remember me telling you a while back about having to do some weeding to keep Wade from mowing over one of my plants? I don't remember the name of the plant but I got it last year. It started to come back up and Wade mowed it over twice even though I had told him about it after the first time.
After I did the weeding he finally left it alone since he could tell where he needed to stop with the mower.

So the message for today is that even when you get mowed over keep on fighting.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How lovely! It looks a bit like foxglove. I LOVE your new header!!

Julie Harward said...

Love your new look here..and the cute birdie post. This is a great thought, I am going to remember that! ;D

BeadedTail said...

Very wise message! Glad your flower was finally allowed to grow! :)

Lin said...

Hooray! Oh, a word to the warning--those are biennials. They won't come back again next year--with or without the help of Wade.

Rick (Ratty) said...

The last time I tried planting flowers somebody got them with a weed whacker.

Sandee said...

And a great message it is indeed. I'm glad Wade isn't mowing it down now. It's beautiful.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

tahtimbo said...

I've actually done the same thing Wade did...boy, was my wife mad. After I killed her flowers for the second time, she took over the mowing duties :)

Unknown said...

Your plant is a foxglove. The first year seedlings often look like this. If you place a good handful of compost around the plant then it will encourage a mass of thick flowers for next year. In the meantime allow the flowers to seed and when they dry the pods will slightly open - collect the seeds - rather like miniature peppercorns, only much much smaller. Sprinkle them onto some soil just after rainfall and you will find that a large portion of them will grow. It is well worth doing as often the flowers vary in colour and pattern from plant to plant. Some even come up white or cream with spots. Nature is amazing ..... but watch out for those foxes for they may come by for their mits!! Lol! :)

Helen said...

Great message!

I love flowers but couldn't grow them in my yard because squirrels and rabbits ate everything that I planted.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo...

Catherine said...

A very good lesson indeed ~ because sometimes that big lawn mower of life is brutal!! :(
xo Catherine

Donna said...

Lovely foxglove! & 3 cheers for tenacity!

Bossy Betty said...

Gotta love persistency!

Antonella said...

Lucky you! I have a similar problem, except it isn't my husband it is the deer. They keep eating my hydrangea bush down to the ground, this plant has a strong desire to survive because it keeps trying to grow back! Hugs, antonella :-)

marie said...

Love the new header and I love the message for today!!

You always make me smile!

Duni said...

Oh, they're pretty, but I think they are poisonous (to animals) too!

Jen said...

Foxglove is so pretty, but I don't have any (it's poisonous). Love those overlays!
Now that I think about it - and I try not to *laugh* - I really need to rescue my flowerbeds from the weeds (they runneth over :oP

john bain said...

Definitely a Foxglove that has had a tough start in life.

Marg said...

That is a really pretty flower.Glad you saved it. It must be a survivor. Have a fantastic day.

Unknown said...

Nope, I got nothing. There was something about mulch, but it's gone now.

Grampy said...

We had trouble with our Maintenance dudes moving down our flowers, or weed wacking them. Now I weed wack around them and we have decorative stone and fences around some.

Sheryl Hastings said...

Great photo and I love your artistic touch. I really have to learn how to do all that stuff. There's so much to learn in photoshop!

Audrey said...

LOVE the new look to your blog! Beautiful banner and color!!
Hubby mows my rhubarb every fall - it comes back again too.
That's a very pretty flower - hope Wade leaves it alone now :)

Chatty Crone said...

The picture is pretty - it shows to never give up - love your quote. Just get up and do it again. It is probably stronger this time.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely blooms, they were all over growing wild when i was out in WA last.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a comeback from near death, it is gorgeous. glad it survived for you to share with us.

Ann said...

So pretty. I have a pale yellow foxglove, but love the color of yours much more.

a paper {life} said...

ahhh just beautiful

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So happy for you that it came back. a very pretty plant!

DSS said...

This post made my day :)

Tanyia said...

that is one damn accurate message of the day!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Horray for life!

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