Friday, June 10, 2011

On your mark

Get set. GO!
That was the official start to my weekend. You're hearing it a little late since the gun went off at 2:30 this afternoon. Just consider this the instant replay.
So many things to do and only two short days to do it all.
Duke and I are going to nose around and see what our options are

Then we'll weed through those options and pick out the ones we want to do the most.
What that all boils down to is that I'll probably spend the weekend procrastinating and then come Monday be annoyed that I didn't get anything done.
At least I got the number one most important thing done today and that was calling my daughter Amanda to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Can you believe I have a daughter who is 28 years old? I know I can't


Out on the prairie said...

It sounds as if you are off on a brilliant start.I'm camping with torrential rains, 6 inches yesterday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you're still a baby as far as I'm concerned. Our son is 40!! It's all relative. Now go out there this weekend and get some gorgeous pictures for us to see!!

Sharkbytes said...

Nice celandine and border. You be a good girl now, and get a bunch of stuff done!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday to Amanda.

How old are you - you look in your 30's - like you are 28!

Get some work done.

BeadedTail said...

One of Duke's options is probably a stroll on Sadieday!

Happy Birthday to Amanda!

Catherine said...

That is an awesome photo Ann! I love the green and the yellow of that picture. And of course, Duke is as cute as ever.

Hmmm.... your weekends sound like mine. So many plans, so many ideas, so much to do, laziness sets in and BAM it's Monday again and I've accomplished nothing. What's up with that?? :(

And you look MUCH too young to have a 28 year old daughter. Clearly that was a typo and you meant to put 18... ;)

Have a happy weekend Ann!
xo Catherine

tahtimbo said...

That sounds like a great start to me:)
Happy Birthday, Amanda!!
Our oldest is 16 and I know I say this often, but they just grow up too fast.
Have a great weekend!

allotments4you said...

I love the final edit you have posted Ann...It's really pretty. Hope you enjoy your weekend!!

Unknown said...

I just read Sandie's comment, and I am wondering what she is wanting. Oh yeah, I hope Amanda has a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

P.S.: Your picture would make a great greeting card cover.

Grampy said...

Happy Birthday to Amanda. Now to make you feel young. My oldest is 46. Where does the time go. Duke looks like he may see something in there.

Duni said...

Duke looks so cute sniffing around in the grass!
And Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope she has fun celebrating!

Anonymous said...

Oh I know... my daughter is 38. No clue where the years have gone to and why I am now in my 50's. Zoooom go the years!


marie said...

Happy Birthday to your Amanda will be 28 this year too! She's my "baby"!! I'm starting to feel pretty old! : )

Have a great weekend....however you end up spending it!

Marg said...

Happy Birthday to the Daughter. 28 is not old. Be glad she isn't 38. Hope all of you have a great day. Hugs to Duke.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i will trade you my sons, 44 and 46 for your 28. ha ha, the age not the kids. that would make ME younger. beautiful photo and you know how i feel about Master Duke

Sheryl Hastings said...

So it's our kids fault that we are old! Yes, of course!!!

I too have plans for this weekend and I'm really going to work toward my goals. One of the things I'm planning is to make myself some pretty napking rings with the beads I bought last week.

I shall repeat to myself: Get our your beads, make that project....Get out your beads, make that project...Get out your....................

So if this plan works, you'll be seeing a new tutorial on my blog soon.

Bubba says to tell his buddy hi!

john bain said...

Obviously you must have been a child Bride. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

I have a big "to-do" list every weekend and if my wife doesn't get it all done she can always try again next week :-)

Donna said...

Happy Birthday to her!!!
I thought she was your Sister....!!!Hahaaaa

Tes said...

Oh my, Ann! Who would have thought indeed. You look young to be a mom to a 28-year old! Happy birthday to Amanda! What a lovely card. So creative!

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