Thursday, September 22, 2011

Duke says...

Being the thoughtful and generous Westie that he is he wasn't asking for treats for himself. He said that it was time to give one of you a treat. Duke suggested a giveaway. A very small giveaway but a giveaway non the less.
He wants one of you to have a fridge magnet with his Halloween picture on it.
So what do you have to do to win?
It's simple
  1. leave a comment saying you want Duke's face on your fridge
  2. be a follower if you aren't already
  3. follow us on facebook
  4. blog about it
  5. do cartwheels across your room because you are so excited about the chance to win
  6. send a self addressed stamped envelope with $9.95 to cover the cost of shipping and handeling
  7. repeat steps 4-6 and include the line "I love Ann's blog"
  8. Send a minimum of 6 friends here who will become loyal and faithful followers
  9. Promise to send Duke a bag of bacon flavored treats once a month
Ok so I'm getting carried away. All you really need to do is leave a comment and say you'd like to win. Easy Peasy, Pumpkin Pie.
Duke and I will let you know who won on Sunday.


Sandee said...

Oh I want this very much. You know Duke is my favorite dog in all the blogosphere. Well there's Sugar too, but you get the idea. Anyway I'm throwing my hat in the ring for this giveaway.

May I use this photograph of Duke for October 31st Awww...Mondays? What a way to celebrate Halloween.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Hey I'm Sandie too! teehee And I would love the magnet - because I love Duke!

Julie Harward said...

When Duke speaks, I lift an ear! I love him to pieces and want a tiny bit of him in my home! (ps, if you are on FB, come connect with me there from my side bar badge) :D

Sheryl Hastings said...

Bubba said that we would love to have Duke on our fridge!

Lin said...

Who doesn't want to win??? Duh?!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, yes! I would love to win!

Marie said...

I would love to win a magnet with Duke's picture on it! Roxanne Love, Rambo and Rocket are crossing their toes(paws) in hopes we will win!!! Love the bandana Duke!

BeadedTail said...

We have a magnet of Duke's cute patootie on our fridge! We'd love to have one of his face too but since we already do have one of him, we'll let someone else enjoy a magnet of Duke. That photo is adorable!

Donna said...

Duke's mug on my fridge? You bet!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is my favorite picture of Duke ever! And I really would LOVE to have his precious face on my fridge, I hope I win!! Thanks for having this fun contest!

Erika said...

Who wouldn't want that cute mug around any ole time?

And I tried to do cartwheels and only hurt my back:)

tahtimbo said...

I would love to have Duke guarding our fridge! Maybe if he's guarding it, I won't be as tempted to stray off my diet :)
I would love to follow you on Facebook, could you send me the link?

Nessa said...

i saw giveaway and me eyes went W I D E... hehe... then i saw cartwheels and i got so sad. LOL! u know how hard it is for an old woman like me to even think of doing cartwheels :P

i would love to have Duke 'guard' my fridge from my perpetually hungry boys! :D

Duni said...

Ooh...a giveaway! Yay!
I would SO love to have Duke's face on my magnetic board (our fridge isn't magnetic). The board is right next to my desk, so I'd get to see his sweet face all the time :D

I am following your blog and your FB!

Jen said...

Well now, who wouldn't want such a handsome face on their fridge? I think that is one of your best Duke shots to date; he looks so doggone cute in his Halloween bandanna
(oooh that was a terrible pun; but I just couldn't resist it ;o)

Unknown said...

You could've given a hint that you were just kidding before I wrote all of those things down!

Philippa said...

Well, of course I'd love to win this, Ann! You're not really on Facebook,are you?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know i worship the ground duke walks on and think he is beyond adorable. but looks like i am the only one that has a magnet free fridge. no magnets allowed, but if i did duke would be up there. i also never had photos or kids pictures up there. yes, i can see i am wierd because i read all the other comments

Out on the prairie said...

A Dukester magnet, what a great giveaway. This reminds me i need to look for my Halloween scarfs for my little one.

Anne said...

I would love Duke on my fridge. I just want you to know that I got all the way through the cartwheels before I realized I just needed to leave a comment.

We love you Duke!

Reena said...

LOL ... you were wearing me out with all those rules! Anyway, Duke is such a cutie pie! Not a bad little face to look at daily.

john bain said...

John has hurt his back doing cartwheels. He never reads anything through to the end. Duke is very handsome I could live with his picture. Love to you all Sadie Bain.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Whew- I was worried there for a minute. I can do #1 on your list. Duke would be welcome here.

Catherine said...

Well now ~ who wouldn't want to be greeted by this sweet little face every time I opened the fridge door!!

Count me in please!

xo Catherine

booahboo said...

Ahhhhhh Duke! I would love for you to come over here to play with me. I have bacon noms you know.. hehehe

Donna said...

ALRIGHT NOW!! I had Already done the cart wheel thing when you Then said, we didn't Have to!!!Hahahaa
I'm In!

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