Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scary stuff

I was looking back in my photo files and found the scariest thing.
This was taken on 10/16/09
That's snow on my deck in early October. I'll be praying that this doesn't happen this year. I'm not ready for that stuff.


Anonymous said...

I don't want Summer back but I'm so not looking forward to the dreaded S-word. Most vile, evil, obscene word in the language.

Julie Harward said...

Me too! It makes me sick to think we are that close to winter again!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I'm sorry I can't relate - I love fall and winter in Georgia.


Chatty Crone said...

I'm sorry I can't relate - I love fall and winter in Georgia.


Doris Sturm said...

Wanna trade homes? I want my summer gone ;-)

jeanlivingsimple said...

Dang if that wouldn't be a scary happening here in October!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Dang if that wouldn't be a scary happening here in October!

Marie said...

I'm ready for some cool weather. I love the sunshine, but tired of the heat. I hope to take a trip this winter to see snow. My doggies really want to play in snow! :)

BeadedTail said...

10/16 is way too early for snow! Hopefully it holds off longer this year!

Reeni said...

OH my - hope that doesn't happen this year!

Catherine said...

Nooooooooooooooooo! I am not ready yet! Oh it's all just very sad. Let us hope that the nasty white stuff stays away until January!
xo Catherine

booahboo said...

The whites are back so fast?? gosh! scary.. scary...

go out there and enjoy the warm sunnies before the whites come... quick quick quick

Anonymous said...

that is scary!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Me too!!!! So we should all appreciate fall as long as it doesn't snow!

Unknown said...

Ann - we are currently experiencing an Indian Summer here in England. It is approaching the end of September and our temperatures are beginning to soar and are hotter than much of what the Summer had to offer us. We are told it will probably edge well into October so ........ hopefully no to the white stuff for the moment!!!! Lol!

marie said...

I'm done with Summer...but I'm sure not ready for that white stuff! I want lots of crisp, sunny days with lots of crunchy apples and rustling leaves!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann such creative photographic eyes you have! Turning the mundane into a work of art

Marg said...

Wow, that really is something. Snow in October. Oh I so hope that doesn't happen this year. I am ready for just some nice weather. Nice picture though. Have yourself a great day. Hugs to Duke

Grampy said...

I have an idea Ann. Lets skip winter and go right back into spring.

Unknown said...

If it happens, we now know who to blame.

Out on the prairie said...

I can wait for that stuff. I remember too many Halloweens where my kids had to wear a winter coat, guess i should have dressed them as Eskimos.

Duni said...

Eww...I'm not a fan of the white stuff either. Fingers crossed the sun stays a while longer for you :)

Anne said...

I like the fall and spring. I certainly don't want snow but I can live without the hot, hot days of summer. Why are fall and spring the shortest of all seasons?

Erika said...

It is funny how where you live determines how you view the white stuff:)

Sandee said...

I'm sitting on the back of my boat in shorts, t-shirt and thongs (the ones you wear on your feet). It's warm and later it will be hot. We are heading toward the bay in about two hours.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Carole Barkett said...

wow, that's too early, hopefully not this year.

DSS said...

Wow! We're definitely ready for some cooler temperatures around here. BUT..perhaps not THAT cool :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

come on down, temps went to 94 today, it is hot hot hot. i do hope the snow stays away from you until at least Christmas

Sheryl Hastings said...

When I saw your title before the picture I had thoughts of spiders, bats, scary halloween masks, and even the remnant of some wierd happening. But what you actually showed was the scariest sight of all! Yes, it's just around the corner.

Did I ever mention how much I hate winter?

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I hear it snowed in the "thumb" today. Didn't last though. The ski areas started advertising today. Even I want some indian summer first!

Tammy said...

I can't even look what a scary picture.

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