Friday, September 2, 2011

The weekend

Mom says that this is the start of a long weekend here in the U.S. She said that Monday is something called Labor Day. It makes no sense to me because if it's Labor Day then why don't they have to go to work and labor?
She also said that back in the day, they used to spend the whole weekend watching something called the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon.
I don't know what a telethon is but I'm going to do some channel surfing and see if I can find out.
Oh, wait a minute. Who's this Lassie lady? Maybe I'll just watch this for a while, she's a looker.


Erika said...

And was Lassie really a male?

Donna said...

Oooooops!Hahahaaa....what Erika said....

And Jerry won't be hosting anymore...those were the days.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

You did some good surfing there, Duke!

Helen said...

I was always wondering what Labor is all about. I should google to find out.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Ann.... I'm sure that Duke will find that perfect show to watch over the holiday weekend.

Hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Jerry Lewis is not doing the telethon anymore and is maybe splitting from the MD people. This will be the first year, so I don't know if they will have it without him, or cancel it. No one is saying what the reason is.

Chatty Crone said...

I can't believe that you have the rights to the television controller - you wouldn't have it here! lol

BeadedTail said...

Duke, we'd love to settle down on that couch next to you and watch Lassie! Our mommy won't watch it because of something about being leaky all the time when she used to watch it as a kid. She'll be watching the races anyway so we'd much rather be with you!

Angel, Isabella and Sadie

Sheryl Hastings said...

Hey Duke! I think you'll enjoy watching Lassie over the Jerry Lewis Telethon.

Mom and I hope you have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

An excellent photo - can't take my eyes off the ears LOL

Marie said...

How adorable you are!!!

Donna said...

Don't fall for it Duke! Lassie was a guy! You'll be sorry, LOL!

gayle said...

You are so cute! You should and my friend Skipper would get along great!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Duke, Check out Rin Rin Tin. He was a German Shepard and had some hair raising adventures. Wish you and your family a great Labor Holiday!

Unknown said...

Was your mommy holding a skillet full of bacon when she took that picture of you?

Out on the prairie said...

I have wondered why I can't find that controller

Marg said...

Oh good idea Duke to look for Lassie. She is quite a looker and looks like she is fun to be with too. She goes on lots of adventures. Hope all of you have a fantastic week end.

Daisy said...

Happy holiday weekend, Duke!

Grampy said...

Duke see if you can find Animal Planet. They have some good shows. But watch out they have some scary one's also.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

dear duke, I hate to bust your bubble, but Lassie was a MALE just like you... ha ha you look so handsome with your remote and ask mommy how she keeps it so clean, i would be ashamed to show you a shot of ours.

Reeni said...

Oh Duke, your so gosh darn huggable! I want to reach in and give you a big squeeze. I remember those telethons - you ain't missing nothing!

Jen said...

Well, you can definitely tell that Duke's all boy by the way he's guarding that remote. *giggle*
Happy Labor Day!

Doris Sturm said...

Hewooo Duke...'tis me, da Gizzy! You are soooo smaaaaat - mommy won't let me have da contwols! I thinks da Lassie is super good looking too, but she pwobly has a boyfwiend ;-)

When you finds da labor day solution, let me know cuz mommy and I don't laber either ;-)

Wuff you,
your fwiend,
da Gizzy (woof)

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