Saturday, September 24, 2011

Maze book

Just a few days ago I read a blog post at It's Molly Smith about her mini maze book album. She had a link to a video showing how to make them and I was instantly fascinated. I knew I had to make one. The inside of the book is made using only one 12 x 12 sheet of paper.
Well last night I sat down and messed up my craft room made one. It's not finished yet because of course it needs something to decorate the front and then all the pages need to be filled. I couldn't wait to post about this though.  It looks pretty plain in this first picture.

Here it is opened up. I stamped on a few pages but that's as far as I got.
These would be great gifts either filled or blank so the recipient can fill it themselves.
Check out Molly's version and then go the video if you want to try one yourself


Helen said...

Yes, the mini album is cute. It was also addicted. I made three of them at one time, each for my kid. The album is perfect for Duke's pictures.

Donna said...

Well, Aren't you Good?!!!!
What a cute idea...Hope you had a wonderful week Girl!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is way cool and yours is beautiful! I will go and check out how to do it when I have a few minutes.

Marg said...

That really is a great idea. You can put all kinds of thing on the pages. Wish I would take the time to do it. Too many animals to look after. Have yourself a great evening and a better Sunday.

Catherine said...

What a sweet idea!
xo Catherine

BeadedTail said...

That's a cute idea! I'll have to check it out!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I actually watched the whole video!

Marie said...

That is really cute! I'll check out the video tomorrow.

Duni said...

Oh, a leporello (as we say here). It's so cute! You did a great job!

Jen said...

You are getting me into so much t-r-o-u-b-l-e girl! I am NOT supposed to be crafting anything until I finish my monster craft table. Gotta go watch the video though - that little book looks like fun :o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is really cute. i actually watched the video just to see what you had to do. this is great for a greeting card. you could even make a little Christmas card. note, i said YOU could make one. LOL and on a ha ha note, if I gave one of these to the men in my life they would put in in a loony bin, i say this because the video showed making one for Father. but i do like it, how long did it take to make it

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh ANN Golden thanks for sharing Molly's video. Great one. So cool. We might have to try it. Lots of Golden Thanks n Woofs, Sugar

Antonella said...

It is a fun project... You know, I never knew what they were called... I've actually created ones where I printed pictures of my sweetie pie children (had fun figuring out if they needed to be upside down or not) onto cardstock and gave them to the grandparents (they love that sort of thing)!
Hugs, antonella :-)

Out on the prairie said...

Went to all the craft stores yesterday, i was the designated driver.

Unknown said...

Many people who go into mazes never come out. So, are you contemplating getting lost in your crafting? What will that poor, little, loyal, can't-wait-for-you-to-get-home-from-work puppy of yours do for treats? Keep in mind, all of this can be used as evidence at trial. Of course, you would have to be tried in absentia. For you would be lost in your loops and lastings, but the rest of your family will have to live with the shame. Yeah, methinks you have a lot to think about before going out mazing too much, and it may already be too late. A pity, it is.

Carole Barkett said...

looks like fun

Dr Sonia S V said...

Not seen this before-- so interesting Ann

Sandee said...

Way cool. I like this a lot. You are so crafty. It must be so much fun to create things.

Have a terrific day. My best to your snoopervisor Duke. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra wrote me and told me I had to make one with my grandson - she's right - how did I miss this anyway?


Bossy Betty said...

What a great idea! Hugs to Duke.

Tammy said...

What a great gift idea.

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