Thursday, September 29, 2011


I need for things to clear up around here

And I  am not just talking about the sky

I seem to have let my life escalate into total chaos and disorganization. After spending 10 minutes, not once but twice, trying to find something that I had scribbled on a piece of paper and stashed somewhere on my desk, I have decided enough is enough.
I have got to get things back into some kind of order. That isn't going to happen if I come home from work every night and sit in front of my computer reading blogs. I love reading your blogs, I really do but unless any of you want to volunteer to come and clean up my mess while I read your blog, I have got to take a break from blogland. It really makes me kind of sad  because I love all my friends out there and I'll miss you. I promise it won't be a long one. To be perfectly honest with you I don't even know if I can really do it but I'm sure going to try. I'll be attempting to take a week off from blogging and hopefully come back a more organized and fully refreshed me. So I'll see you all a week from tomorrow (October 7th) or sooner if I can't handle it :)


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, now we will see just how addicted you are! Actually a break can be really good. You can do what you want with ALL your time and not be tied to the computer. You will get a lot done. I have tried taking Mondays off, but it isn't enough and the place is still a mess. So I need to do what you are doing. Or maybe I'll just do three days. I can't find notes or papers either. Can we see before and after pictures?

Reena said...

totally understand! I feel the same way and trying to figure out how to keep up while I'm traveling the next 2 weeks! I think all would tell what I'm going to tell you ... I'll see you on the 7th! Don't worry ... we'll be here when you return.
Now, take a break and breath! :-)

Anonymous said...

See ya then! Although we have family arriving from Arizona that day so I may be nowhere to be found. LOL

Marg said...

I know what you mean. I can't get anything else done around here for visiting all my blogger friends.See ya later.

BeadedTail said...

I understand how you are feeling and hope you are able to take a break for a bit! We'll miss you and Duke but we'll be here when you get back!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, We all need breaks at one time or the other. Why don't you do what Ginny and I do??? She takes Mondays off every week --and I take weekends off every week. It helps to have a few days to catch up on other things...


booahboo said...

Everyone needs a break... from it all. It is always good too. I went away to a place that is so remote.. we don't even have signals for phone. It was a good few days to "detox" from the www.. hehehehehe

Take your time Ann.. we can't do it all. Just do what makes you happy. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Well that's a bit of a bummer, for us.

I think that if I had a way to get around I would be happy as a clam working as an personal organizer. I'm really good at doing it within a person's comfort zone.

Enjoy your time off - busy tho you may be. Remember - one small task at a time or it gets overwhelming.

Marie said...

I will miss you, Duke and your post. But, you need to take care of YOU before anything else. Looking forward to hearing from you when you're ready. I guess I will take this time to go back and read some of your older post. :)

Doris Sturm said...

I totally understand! You can make blogging and facebooking a full-time activity so that there is no time left for anything else - I've been putting the breaks on too and am getting so much more done around the house and out of the house ;-) Your true friends will understand and still be there upon your return. Enjoy! Hugs and kisses for your little Duke ;-)

Jen said...

You go right ahead...we'll all be here when you get back (and you know I can certainly relate... remember the paper avalanche in my office? ;o)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a plan, and after you make your daily pilgrimage to my site, you should have lots of time to get your "stuff" together.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

double OH NO, one for it is raining in Dukes POOL and another for a week off. i will miss you, but i fully understand it. i am thinking of taking the week end off from blogging for he same reason, my house needs Attention and it is not getting it from me and hubby does not care. I will be waiting and I know we will SEE the new organized you

Catherine said...

Have fun organizing what you need to organize Ann! It will be a good feeling when you are done.

Not to worry... we will be here when you return!!

Happy blog-free week to you!
xo Catherine

allotments4you said...

Good luck with the organizing....and don't worry I will be here the minute you get back!!

Out on the prairie said...

A friend just said she wished she could pay someone tosort out all her papers and decide what is needed and not needed.I gave her my housekeepers #, the Jenamatic can do all. Will miss you

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that and plan to do a lot more in the future. Have a nice break. :-)


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl, I see ya done went and said that 'S' word in the post below!!! I'm sooo not ready for such sights!

I'd sure come over and clean if I could. Heck, today is even Deep Clean Friday 'round here. I love to makes my heart soar. Sorry, I'm just twisted that way! Heeehehe!

Enjoy your break and I hope it is most productive.

God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!! :o)

Donna said...

I NEED to do the same...looking around and seeing a mess!Hahaa

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh Sure will miss you and Duke Ann but what you say is true time just flies in front of the computer!

J. M. P. said...

No problem, Ann, all of us take breaks from blogging, in fact I think I take them once a week :) Have a nice time.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I'm going to miss you! Get cleaned and organized FAST! sandie

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Wonderful rain picture! A week- wow, how will we live without you to urge us on to good things? Well... clean up, and come back.. Then, can you come help clean my house?

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann, There is no way I could work a full-time job, garden,bird watch,Chores,be a daughter to an elderly Mom,Mother to 2 grow kids,grandmother to one,Sister,Aunt, friend to a few,Care for 2 goofy cats, look for a mate, volunteer for a good cause,and finally publish daily posts on my blog.
You are amazing....take a well earned break. OH...and no I will not come and organize for you.:-D)

Duni said...

Good luck with that ;-)

p.s. I'm having a giveaway tomorrow...don't miss!


Reeni said...

I completely understand! I took a step back for a few days too. We'll be here whenever you are!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Enjoy your time off. I hope you come back with some really cool things you did while you were gone!

Carole Barkett said...

Have a good week, I have to limit myself too or I don't get anything done.

Tammy said...

You are taking a time out or a vacation from blogging. Good for you. I'm sure everyone will miss you but will enjoy hearing about all you and Duke did when you were not blogging.

Donna said...

I GOT IT!!!!
Thanks Ann...AND Duke!!!

Joanne Olivieri said...

I know how you feel, Ann and you have to do what you have to do. We all love ya and understand.

Lin said...

Thank you, Ann. Now I'm gonna feel a LOT less stress because I'm not the only one not reading every single day and leaving comments. Thank you. Thank you! :P

I've come to the conclusion that I cannot do it all and so I allow myself a few hours each day on blogs. If I don't get around the blogroll, so be it. And I take a few days off completely--just to keep sane and keep my life in order as well. I try to make it around the blogroll twice a week to really catch up with the pallies.

You aren't alone in trying to keep up, so enjoy your time off and thanks for giving us an excuse to take a break too.

Marg said...

I am the same way.I just can't stand to go visiting. But you take a nice break and get all organized and then come to my house and do my mess. LOL. Have a great week.

Helen said...

I understand how you feel. That is why I only post 3x a week and read blog on those days. Have a nice break.

Anne said...

I hope you are enjoying your break (although it's almost over by now). We miss Duke, I hope he is helping to clean.

Donna said...

Hi Ann...Posted about my Win!!

Grampy said...

I know what you mean Ann. I don't know how you do it. I am retired, but very active in the community. I just don't have enough time.

Erika said...

You are so generous with your time and I appreciate it. But I know that when you get that feeling that a break is needed then you better take one!

I hope you come back refreshed.


Donna said...

Breaks are good! No need to feel guilty! Blogging is for FUN and life always should be first.

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