Monday, April 30, 2012

Bringing the outside in

Maybe after seeing this you may decide that the title should be "What the heck is that supposed to be".

Any way, I'm late today because I gave up on trying to schedule posts and decided to just wait until I got home from work. The scheduler doesn't work for me any more anyway so why bother.

Yesterday Duke and I were out in the yard enjoying a bit of sunshine. While he was inspecting the ground I started pulling some dead stems out of one of the plants in the flower bed. I had them all bunched up in my hand and was headed to the back of the yard where we throw all that stuff. Suddenly I realized they looked kind of neat and took them inside and put them in a vase with some artificial stuff I have. Being Monday I don't have a picture of it though.

But, I also happened to pick up some branches that were laying on the ground and brought those in the house too.

This is the part where you look at the above picture and say "What the heck is that thing supposed to be"

Well, since I did that picture for Wade's cave the other day I decided to make him a rustic looking easel to put it on.

It didn't work out exactly how I was picturing it but it was close enough and he thought it was kind of cool so it was a win win situation.


Sandee said...

As soon as I saw this I knew it was for the man cave. It just fits a man cave. Excellent.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke and let him know he's being featured again over at Awww...Mondays. I know what a ham he is. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

It is cool and so perfect for Wade's room! I love it!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh - the thing you have - besides talent - is vision. That is great for his room! sandie

marie said...

Perfect easel for a man's art in his man cave! But I must say I thought it was a rustic letter A whenI first looked at it!

A for Ann of course.

Anonymous said...

Ha - I knew instantly that it was an easel - Score one for the uncreative kid with no imagination...

Sharkbytes said...

That is really nifty! Both the easel and the picture.

john bain said...

He is right. It is kinda cool! Hey! I could make some, a bit bigger for my ramshackle gallery! With your permission to use the idea of course.

Helen said...

I thought you were teaching Duke the alphabet, lol, because it looks like an "A".

Brenda said...

Beautiful art ad very creative.

Life Less Ordinary

Catherine said...

A perfect addition to the man cave Ann! Good job!
xo Catherine

Ginny Hartzler said...

I knew it was an easel before I scrolled down and saw the picture, very cool!!!! You can always make something cool out of nothing!

BeadedTail said...

Very clever and perfect for the mancave! As for the scheduler, it does start on Monday instead of Sunday for the week and also you have to click done to set it. At least that's what works for me so far.

Marie said...

That is so cool Ann! Perfect for the mancave! I love how creative you are!
Hope you're having a great week!

Pat said...

Brilliant idea - love the easel and the painting! xx

Duni said...

I knew straight away it was an easel! The rustic look goes very well with the frame and picture!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am a big fan of sticks, and dry seed pods and limbs off trees. love the tripod, perfect. can't wait to see what you did with the rest of the sticks. i have a friend who hangs sticks and limbs on her walls, inside and out. stands them in baskets and vases all over the house.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say, i think they fixed the auto post, it is work for Squirrel queen now, so give it a try

Reeni said...

That is so neat! It fits in perfectly with the decor!

Donna said...

You're so creative!

Donna said...

You're so creative!

Lin said...

CUTE idea! I think it works. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Perfect easel for the 'man cave'.... It's just so masculine looking!!! Great idea, Ann.

allotments4you said...

Always great to recycle Ann...and this is going to match perfectly in Wade's man-cave.

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