Sunday, September 16, 2012

Clowning around.

Yesterday was the last day of the fair and I didn't go once. It really didn't matter to me if I made it there or not. I guess the thrill has worn off after all these years. One thing I won't miss out on though is the fair parade. It's always on the last day and it goes right by my house. I drag a chair out to the curb along with my camera and my cup of coffee and I sit through the whole thing.
I was a little disappointed this year that there were only two school marching bands. There are usually at least four. Not sure why there weren't this year.
Near the end of the parade there were clowns and one guy was very accomodating. He saw me with my camera and made some comment about always pay attention to the people with cameras. He walked right over to me and struck a pose.

Then he called one of his buddies over and said "Here's a good one for you"
I love clowns.

On another note, Sandee from Comedy Plus sent me a message last night saying that there was a problem with pop up comments and she couldn't comment on my blog. She said that embedded was working however, so I switched it over. I'm not crazy about embedded comments but I don't like no comments either. Hopefully they can fix whatever is wrong and I can switch back over to pop up.


bichonpawz said...

I LOVE your clowns! They sure were nice to accommodate you!!

Unknown said...

I love these clowns! Gorgeous pictures and I really love the colours.

Pat said...

I like what you've done to the pics. They look fab :)

Duni said...

Although I have an irrational fear of clowns I must say that was pretty nice of them to pose for you! Great shots!!

allotments4you said...

The commenting system worked fine for me yesterday don't know what went wrong there.

The clown pics are great....I have a friend who is terrified of clowns though so I immediately thought of her!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann - these clown photo's are so cool - I love how you make them look like watercolors - maybe one day I'll learn how to use big-girl software to do what you do so beautifully.

Have a great day - by the way - we had a great time in your home state of PA shopping for fabric. Next trip is in November to Burkholders [sp?]

All the best for a great day and super-great vacation,

Marg said...

Those were very nice clowns to come pose for you. That must have been such fun. Hope you have a great Sunday.

Donna said...

Oh, I especially like that first photo! How fun to have a parade right in front of your house. And convenient, LOL.

You have your comments set on a pop up window now, and it's working fine. I hadn't heard of anyone else having problems.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is no problem with pop ups i have been commenting all morning and its working fine and I am typing in your pop up right now, so you must have changed it back. love love love the clowns and your edits are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

SOme clowns are just plain creepy, but yours are just plain cute!

Sandee said...

I still can't left click anything on Blogger, but I can right click and open a new page so I'm good. I thinks it's a bug with me and not everyone.

You got a couple of really great shots of the clowns. How nice that they posed for you. Fun and then some.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that first one is spectacular - wouldn't that be nice printed on canvas and framed - I would buy that in a heart beat...I like clowns. I love, love love that picture...

Unknown said...

Savin' all of your energy for holly-jolly time?

Chatty Crone said...

Hey those were great looking clowns and you did a fab photo of them.

What is the difference of embedded or pop up comments?

Daisy said...

Those were some nice clowns!

Rose Clearfield said...

Great captures of the clowns! I love their poses and the bright colors of their outfits.

BeadedTail said...

Great photos of the clowns! I haven't seen a parade in years so it's so cool it goes right by your house! Hope you have a great vacation!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Love the new look, and the very nice picture of you! (and Duke of course). What you did with the clown pics is extraordinary. I would think the clown would want that first one for a publicity photo.

Marie said...

Your new look is Awesome!!! Hope you have a great week!

Debra Dickinson said...

Love the clowns but love, love, love your new banner and background. Great seasonal change. Is Duke stuck in a wall? Reminds me of something from Harry Potter or the like. LOL.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm getting a pop up comment box? You said you changed over to embedded? Hmmmm.

Anyway, I TOO LOVE clowns. Bud has a clown phobia, so this for me, their posing for you...was a special treat!!!

Dee said...

great colors on the clown pictures and the editing choices are perfect with him.:)

marie said...

You do some awesome editing Ann....I love the first photo!
How neat that the parade goes right by your house...that's convenient!

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