Wednesday, September 5, 2012

no connection

There is absolutely no connection between today's picture and the thoughts that follow
Imagine being in the middle of a conversation when suddenly your brain realizes that there are two possible words that could be inserted in the current sentence. Rather than choosing one or the other, brain combines the two to create one totally idiotic sounding word thus making the speaker appear stupid. This could explain why I don't always talk a whole lot.


bichonpawz said...

Ann! I must tell totally crack me up! You think like I do! Happy WW!

Donna said...

LOL, I do that sometimes too!

Tanyia said...

rofl I do that all the time

Out on the prairie said...

I have made up a few words that allows me to be in jeopardy with all my grammer correct friends.

Helen said...

Lots of us did that including me. Some said this "the less say, the better" something like. I need to stop her. lol

Sharkbytes said...

Some very good words were born that way: humungous comes to mind. Love the pic.

BeadedTail said...

That happens to me more than I care to admit! Usually I only say it to my hubby and he's getting pretty good at figuring out what I'm trying to say!

Remington said...

Oh yes! I get it!

Anne said...

I've done that as well. Even worse is when I can't think of a word and am stuck in the middle of a sentence. Talk about sounding stupid. That's why I like writing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't have to "imagine" this, it happens to me more and more every day. makes me crazy, crazier would be the right word.

Duni said...

Whenever I do that the people around me crack up ;-)

Sandee said...

I do the same thing. I make hubby laugh often. Often.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

And I am currently replaying in my head a conversation that I had an hour ago - wherein I very confidently contradicted myself in the same sentence...

Rose Clearfield said...

Very striking photo! I think that we all have those moments sometimes.

Connie Girl said...

Happens to me all the time!!!!
That or not being able to find the right word!

Marg said...

I am the same way. Hate to say what I am thinking. Good one Ann. Take care.

Dee said... make me feel better.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Sometimes those idiotic sounding words turn into something everyone keeps saying.

Debra Dickinson said...

With my recent seizures I SO identified with not connecting the dots all that well, LOL!! Too funny. Even before I had a legitimate excuse (again, LOL), I became known as the Queen of Malapropism. Sounds like you may be too. :)

Catherine said...

I blame it on that "m" word.... Menopause? Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. ;)
xo Catherine

Lin said...

Well, you are in good company because I'm forever doing that too. Whatever. I may be dumb, but I'm happy!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Crazy girl... My problem is that I talk TOO much... SO because of that, more and more crazy things come out of my mouth... ha ha


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