Sunday, December 2, 2012

Better than nothing

Well the tree is up and just a few decorations are sitting about. I don't know that I would say my house is decorated, it's more like littered with Christmas stuff.
I started off VERY slow yesterday morning. I never got out to do the weekly shopping trip, didn't get any crafting done and didn't get the cleaning done either.
Oh well, none of that stuff is going anywhere.
So here's the tree by day
and one by night

I might manage to catch up with my emails and visits some time today


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! It's Beautiful. Happy SUNDAY. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Tanya. said...

A very pretty tree Ann. Looks lovely all lit up at night. I haven't even thought about Christmas decs. yet and probably won't for a couple of weeks!!

marie said...

Love your multi colored tree. My trees is pre-lit with all white...I might have to put up a second, more colorful tree!
By the way...Duke looked so cute in the last post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful, day or night. it always amazes me what dark and light does to a tree.... transforms it completely. my little trees are pretty unless it is bright sunshine.. then not so much. you did do something you got your tree up.

Antonella said...

Lucky you! Your tree is up and quite prettily decorated (not sure if that is a word, but...) We will hopefully put up ours next weekend. We go back and forth with the lights, each year we let someone pick white lights or colored lights, so not sure what we will have this year - lol!

I love the way trees look all lit up, and love all the ornaments on your tree! You have many memories in each of them!!

Antonella :-)

Anonymous said...

That's a VERY nice looking tree!

Jackie said...

Wow and just when can you come to our house and do our decorations? That is one beautiful tree!
Happy Sunday Ann and give Duke a hug from Mollipop!

Anonymous said...

The tree looks nice!

Anonymous said...

So pretty but no topper?

Sandee said...

It's very pretty and I'm guessing Duke helped out too. He usually does. Okay, perhaps he was just snoopervising.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

Your tree is gorgeous! Ours is still naked except for 3 ornaments. Guess it will be until next weekend maybe since I just don't have time. When did the holidays get so busy? *sigh*

Marie said...

gorgeous tree Ann! I love the lights! You've done plenty, enjoy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, it is perfectly gorgeous!!!! We tried to put ours up but the cats chewed on the lights, so no tree for us this year. That is fine, I would rather have cats always then a tree for a month.

Deborah said...

Gorgeous! I'd say you got a lot accomplished, and the tree shows it!


Hootin Anni said...

I just came online to post my Christmas Tree post and then saw that you had paid me a visit and left a comment on the part II of the min-vacay. Ann, your tree is stunning!!! Love the colored lights very much. And it's stunning in daylight ...right next to the fireplace makes the room festive and cozy for the holiday I'm sure.

Chatty Crone said...

You have a really pretty tree there - and I love it at night by the fireplace. I hope you had a nice weekend. sandie

Lin said...

Hooray! It's up!! I'm working on my stuff/crap today too...slowly. I'm just glad I can use my son's room as the "basement" (we don't have one) and that's where I'm putting the boxes. I'm moving slowly, but surely.

I guess Christmas is coming whether I'm ready or not.

Donna said...

Littered - ROFL! Oh, that is just too good of a description! My home is still partially decorated. I think I'll be done about the time that it will need to be taken down. Your tree is gorgeous, BTW!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your tree, Ann.... It looks similar to ours. I will feature ours tomorrow...

Happy Advent Sunday!

Reeni said...

Magical! Love the night picture!

Rose Clearfield said...

Your tree is beautiful! I enjoy getting Christmas decorations up a little bit at a time more than when I push to get them all up at once.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, I helped set up a 20 ft artificial today.

Debra Dickinson said...

Beautiful tree - day or night! I can't get caught up and it's just me! Well, me and 12 other legs in the house. LOL.

Donna said...

WISH I could get in the MOOD!
Your tree is Beautiful!

Catherine said...

Very very pretty!!
xo Catherine

Dee said...

It is beautiful :)

Sharkbytes said...

Lovely! Classic, and the fireplace is beautiful too.

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