Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bird brain

It's rainy and I'm feeling sluggish and kind of like I have a bird brain. Come back sunshine.


Marg said...

Look at those cute birds. They look like they are enjoying life. You all have a great day..

Hootin Anni said...

Actually...even from May's record rainfall and flooding...I wouldn't mind some rain. It's been so hot and muggy with the glaring sun, I'd enjoy some cool down!!!

You should link up at I'd Rather B Birdin' this afternoon when the linking begins at NOON [Texas time] Love these sparrows!!

Out on the prairie said...

Nice to get the cool for a few days, we had 5 inches in 2 daze.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you share the nick name Bird Brain with Jake... bob calls him that sometimes.... he can't blog though LOL LOL

Grace said...

Super great photos...

Christine said...

Bring me sunshine ...all the while...
I can't remember the rest of the words to that song!
Great close up photos of the sparrows,
Have a brighter couple of days!

Deb said...

Hope the sun returns soon Ann so you and your feathered friends feel energized again!

Sharkbytes said...

Raining here today. Can't complain though. It's nice and cool

CrystalChick said...

It's been so hot here, a bit of rain would be okay.
Cute picture!

Unknown said...

So, you are pretty much feeling the same as always?

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