Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Documented Life Project

May Theme
Touchy Feely (Texture)
May 30
Art Challenge:  Textured Paper
Journal Prompt:  I'm So Not Feeling It!

Finally I finished the May challenges. Now I only have 3 June ones to do. I really didn't follow the prompts on this one. I did use a piece of textured paper but instead of showing the textured side I did a little experimenting with inks and stencils.  I guess the journal prompt applies since I couldn't get in to this one.

Another think I'm so not feeling is the crafty thing. It's going to be August before you know it and I have not made one single new thing this year to take to the craft show. My mojo has taken an extended vacation and I'm beginning to wonder if it left the country permanently. 


Debra Dickinson said...

Kudos on finishing May! You may not have anything new for the craft show yet this year, but I think your mojo and crafty thing feeling are still in tact. Every time you post it is a creation unique to wonderful, talented you and we are blessed by it. Hang in there!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yeah for May! Really like the message!!...:)JP

Out on the prairie said...

You are going through a challenged change?

Jen said...

My creative urges tend to come in spurts; I have "mad benders" and then I'm just done for awhile ('til the next one hits, that is ;o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that mojo thing has a life of its own, even in blogging, at times my mojo pops things in my head and then it is like i can't think of a thing to say... hope your craftiness returns soon... i love the side decorations and the quote... as for I am so not feeling it for me is this dratted HEAT... hope you are safe, i saw the bad storm that hit part of PA and i think it was not on your side

Grace said...

It turned out very pretty anyway...As to the craft show - what sold well last year?

Marie said...

I'm thinking you should visit Cary, NC for craft shows and I know where you could stay in exchange of petting cute pups! :)
My son has always wanted to visit Hershey, PA so maybe one day! :)
Your message is so true!

Sandee said...

I like this a lot and the saying is spot on.

Perhaps you need to take this year off and just not stress about the craft show. Sometimes you just don't want to do something. Then you shouldn't.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Yay for finishing May! It's the end of June and I'm finally well enough after the flu to do things but now my to-do list is so long it's paralyzing. I need a summer do over already!

Duni said...

Sometimes I have the "crafting block" too - going on a day trip usually helps get me inspired again!

Unknown said...

Please forgive me for sounding so discouraging, but there is no known cure for craftiness. So, all you can do is hope to manage the symptoms before too much damage is done.

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