Friday, January 15, 2016

Hold your applause till the end please.

The other day I turned on the printer. I was standing there waiting for it to connect to the PC and didn't realize it already had. I accidentally hit the scan button so it started the scan process and I couldn't stop it. Since there was nothing there for it to scan I picked up the lid and placed my hand on screen just to see what I would get.

Here is my hand scanned motivational poster just for all of you. My tried and true, loyal few blog pals.

Today's card does NOT apply to my blog friends.


Deb said...

LOL, thanks for the hand and not the boogers! :OD

Duni said...

High Five, Ann :)

Hootin Anni said...

While you pick your nose, I'll pick my seat. [don't take THAT the wrong way...a seat as in chair...not the OTHER seat] lol

By the way...."high five"

Out on the prairie said...

Got to hand it too you, pretty good Ann.

Jeanette said...

LOL! I may have scanned my hand before, too!

Grace said...

You're too clever...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can you hear me clapping? can you see my standing ovation? they are both for making good out of accidental bad stuff and for doing the yin and the yang of friendship.... love it.

Sandee said...

I love your hand. Way to go to not waste a scan.

I love all your index cards.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Christine said...

So relieved that you scanned your hand and not your nose!
Thanks for the laugh!

Connie said...

Ann, you must keep your co-workers in stitches, LOL.
How about showing us some of the bakery goods some day . . .
I would love to see that creative side of you, too :)

BeadedTail said...

How you ever thought to turn that scan into something I'll never know. My brain just doesn't work that way. I admire your creativity!

Mariodacatsmom said...

OMC - I love that picture of your hand. It is really good and looks like a piece of art work. Who would have ever thought!!!!

marie said... make me smile every time I visit you! I need to do it more frequently!

Lin said...

When my son was in grade school, he received a Valentine from a little girl and it said just that. When I brought it to the teacher's attention, she just laughed. That's how the bullying started.

Don't send Ann's card to anyone...just giggle quietly about it in the privacy of your own home. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I've got something in for you to pick!

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