Monday, August 15, 2016

Now accepting applications

I'm accepting applications for the position of personal manager. I need someone who has experience in negotiating  contracts.

 Once again I am in the position of having to take care of the blog duties when it is clearly not my responsibility. I mean I do have important things of my own to attend to.
Do you know why she couldn't be bothered with blogging today? She was busy exercising.  She's all in to this getting healthy and getting her weight down to where it should be. She says she'll do an update on that soon but I have my doubts about her.
OK, my work here is done, I have a toy to go shake the stuffing out of.


Christine said...

Good luck with that, Gibbs!
& here's hoping the exercise program goes well!

Hootin Anni said...

Weight down to where it should be? From what I've seen of her recently in photos, she needs no weight loss!!! the corner, quick...before she gets back from'd best clean up that stuffing, or you'll find it in your kibbles and bits!!!

Out on the prairie said...

Poor baby, he needs another hug

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You do a great job, and if you were not so far away i would put in my application... you look like an adorable BOSS to me...

baili said...

hope things go in positive manner about your new position

weight loss oh i too need it but also need the time to work out

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Gosh Ann if you lose any more weight we won't be able to see you!

Gibbs ... I'll be your secretary all you need to do is move to Maryland!

Have a great week and keep cool. K

Sandee said...

You are a most handsome man dog Gibbs. I linked this post to Awww Mondays. Just so you know.

Have a woof woof day Gibbs. My best to your mom. ♥♥♥

peggy said...

I think you should cut her some slack Gibbs. Just look at the fantastic job she did on her craft room.

Connie said...

Tell Gibbs to stop complaining . . . because exercising will give you more energy for playing with him. Soon he'll have trouble keeping up :)

Grace said...

You could tell her that walking is the best exercise and she can take you with her. Also tug-o-toy is good for her upper body work-out. I don't know how that helps the blogging thingy but it's a win-win for you!

Mike Golch said...

exercise,man what a dirty word,and (sigh) I know I meed to do just that.

Kathe W. said...

Oh I would let you be my boss in a heart beat....but Lucy is already my boss! Big hugs to you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you can tell her for me that she is so thin already! She does not need to lose weight! But to gain strength and be healthy is a different matter.

BeadedTail said...

If there was no blogging before our moms lost weight, our mommy would never help us blog! She has lots more weight to lose than your mom does! Hope part of your mom's exercise routine involves walks with you!

Ida said...

Well you know us "humans" we have to do what we have to do. You just keep doing the job you are doing Gibbs and we'll all be happy.

CrystalChick said...

You're a handsome little friend! Have fun with that toy.

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I need to get that exercise in and lose some weight myself.
I took the Honey to the doctor and the nurse let me get on the scale...whew! shocker!
I didn't like what I saw!

Deb said...

LOL Gibbs, you shouldn't have any problems finding a personal manager, who wouldn't want to work for a great guy like you?! Deb xo

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