Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Bye Bye 55

Yesterday the temperature was all the way up to 55 when I left work. Today we're expecting a high of 38.
When I left work I was stuck behind a school bus. I pulled out the phone and decided to take pictures at the stops.

At the first stop I took one to the right

The next stop I looked to the left

Then the bus turned and I went on my merry way.


Ginny Hartzler said...

These are gorgeous pictures, and so different from each other. You have a beautiful ride home from work!! I would have to stop, get out, breathe the air, and enjoy.

Jille said...

It's incredible how the different your photos are. They don't look like they have been taken on the same day. Beautiful!

Christine said...

I'm glad you thought to snap these views of your route! The first one looks so cold & the second much milder but both great!

Grace said...

Quite spectacular that first photo....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

exactly what I would have done. I take pics OR watch others while stopped in my car. love that tree photo... sorry to hear about the cold. our low has been 60 for the last 3 weeks and highs 78 to 80... can't imagine that kind of cold.

Sandee said...

It's been cold here, but no rain. We're happy about that. Too much water this year. Flooding all over the place.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Lovely photos! We're the opposite here - we've been in the 30s but today it's already 51! Yay!

Duni said...

Great photos! It is still freezing over here...

Marie said...

55 is so much better! these are very different views and both are beautiful! keep warm!

Lin said...

I will take zero temps and snow if it means we see the sun. It is warm here, but rainy and gloomy. NOT good.

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