Sunday, January 22, 2017

That I am

Yesterday was a great day. When I was leaving Walmart I thought to myself "I'm a happy camper". No sooner had I said it than there in the next row over was a camper.

Anyway, the switch over went off without a hitch and now we have cable for our tv and internet. Holy smokes is the internet faster. We don't have all the channels that we had with Dish network but I think we'll live.

On top of the successful change over, the weather yesterday was wonderful. It was up to 63 degrees.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Since it is so much faster, you must have switched to fiber optic. It is many times faster, we love ours. We will have two days of pouring rain now. But it's worth it for the lovely temperatures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really despise slow internet, when I click I want it to go there immediately. I have always had cable and fast internet and was not even aware what slow was. I hooked up to Tire Kingdom on my tablet while waiting on car repairs. I would tap on the tablet and it would do nothing, I tapped again and nothing, I found I could count to 8 or 10 before it went there.. so very happy you got the fast speed and new phone and that you are now a happy camper...

bichonpawz said...

You will LOVE the faster internet...I'm sure of it!! When I saw that photo...I thought you were going to say you bought a camper!! So glad that the weather has been warmer...we have had temps close to 55 today! It is GREAT!! Happy Sunday!

Out on the prairie said...

May your troubles all be over. I tend to watch one channel so don't need very many, but also don't watch much TV. I have an antennae.

crafty cat corner said...

I agree, there's nothing like fast internet, being the impatient being that I am I get so annoyed when its not fast.
As for losing channels, no worries as most of them are rubbish anyway.
The camper is fab, what I would give for one of those, all the cats could come with us. lol. I'm planning it my head. ha ha

Sandee said...

I'm glad the switch went without a hitch. Enjoy!

Have a fabulous Sunday my friend. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marie said...

hi happy camper! fast internet is a must, so glad you have it. :) 2017 is rocking for you!

Connie said...

Oh my goodness 63 degrees . . . we are having 34 today and it feels like a heatwave compared to the last month or so. I'm so happy that everything went so smoothly . . . Happy Sunday!
Connie :)

Jeanette said...

Glad you are a happy camper! It feels good, doesn't it? We've had unusually warm weather here in MI too plus we have lots of fog, which is a bonus!

Hootin Anni said...

Change is good!!! We have cable, and I wouldn't dare go back to anything else!....altho we got rid of TV [we never watched but one program faithfully so it was a waste of money I could spend on donuts!!]

New phone, new cable, and now using your camera? What next? Stay tuned. Just don't change Gibbs in any way...we love him just the way he is y'know!!!

Grace said...

We're having warmer than normal temps, usually we are in the 4o's this time of the year but we've been in the high 50's/low 60's. Don't even want to think about what Mother Nature might in store for us in February.

So you have a year to enjoy what you have then when they up the rates, you can downgrade the television part and get Netflix and Hulu (and a Roku box to stream them) and have more tv shows than you could ever want! I can't wait until my contract is up so I can downgrade to basic and save myself a pot of money!

Lin said...

You will like the part of cable where it doesn't go down all the time. And if it does, you can call and get a credit for every day it is down. Ours is pretty reliable, but it is the cost that makes me crabby.

Reeni said...

Yay for the change! I'm glad all went well! :)

Bossy Betty said...

Spooky! Be careful what you say! Fast Internet--GOOD!

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