Monday, January 2, 2017

I've got an empty feeling

And I'm loving it.

The year is off to a good start. I have the decorations all down, packed up and put away. It feels a bit empty but a lot less cluttered

I also started working on reducing the amount of stuff in my house. I haven't done much yet but I managed to get through the bedroom, the linen closet and the bathroom cupboard. The goal for the year is to get through my entire house and pitch anything that I don't love or find useful.

I think Gibbs was worried  I wouldn't find him useful. Even if I didn't it wouldn't matter because he's too loved to get rid of.

Another goal for the year is to try and do something creative every day. Even if it's sitting down and doodling in a notebook. I started the new year off with index card art. Sorry no picture of that today. I'll save it for another post.

Today Gibbs is off to the groomers. There's something else for another post. I know you'll all want to see him all spiffed up.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am doing he same thing!! Though it will take me much longer, 47 years of stuff. Run, Gibbsie, run!!

Connie said...

If you put Gibbs in a yard sale, be sure and let me know, LOL.
Butchy could use a buddy :)

bichonpawz said...

I try to keep up with getting rid of things little by little...but it never seems to work out that way...we have been in this house for 25 years! And of course, we have all the kids bringing us THEIR stuff to store here for a "little" while...yeah right!

So glad you have a head start!! Today, I am taking down more decorations...

Happy New Year!!

Grace said...

I'm a "less is more" person myself - when faced with a big organizational job, small steps is the best way to go, so you're on the right track. I'll be awaiting new index cards and a spiffy Gibbs...

crafty cat corner said...

We have already taken some stuff to the charity shop but still have more to go, trouble is I always look at these items and worry that I might just need them. lolBrioony

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is some quick head turning there Mr Gibbs... can't wait to see the spiffy Gibbs.. to bad we don't have touch and smell on these contraptions. your house looks great to me, clutter makes me crazy. or I should say crazier... I am trying to make myself DECIDE to go OUT at least once a week and find something to do that is not my normal.

Hootin Anni said...

THAT TOO is my new year's resolution....throw stuff out, clean cupboards, closets, and drawers. I haven't started yet, but this week I promised to begin.

Ahhhhhhh, no, Gibbs has no worries. He IS loved.

Out on the prairie said...

everyone is getting organized it seems, and I haven't done anything.My place is pretty simple so no clutter around.I cleared that all out a few years back.

Sandee said...

We also do the less is more too. Amazing how much better each room looks when it's less than more. Good work.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to handsome Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Christine said...

Happy new year and definitely the best time to clear out and clean up! I've one box tossed out which is good for me!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I will start later this week. It's a lot of work and I plan on getting rid of more items this year. I gave 4 bins of decorations away last year after Christmas!

DebbieM said...

Wow! You're fast at that! I leave our Christmas decor up at least through the Epiphany which isn't unti Jan 6. Usually, I don't have it all away until Jan 15. I hate it when it's so bare. I'll get out a jigsaw puzzle to do after that. I already began the cleaning out myself, got rid of some old
Christmas items I no longer use. Really need to organize my sewing area better. Have a good day, Ann!

BeadedTail said...

Our tree went out to the curb on the 26th and I've been cleaning out stuff since. It's really nice to clean out. Leaves more room for crafty goodies! :)

Lin said...

Oh, I am envious. I still have to take down a lot of my stuff. We went away for the weekend and the cats neglected to pack up the Christmas stuff for us. Ugh. I dread that job.

I am pitching a lot of things too!

Jille said...

I too feel its time to cull the clutter and excesses! Must be something in the air. Can't wait to see the very handsome Gibbs'latest look.

Ida said...

Happy New Year! - Our tree is down but the inside decorations are still up. That come down this weekend. - I think we need to declutter around here too this year. I'm going to work on that. So glad you find Gibbs cute enough to keep around.

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