Saturday, January 28, 2017

So busy

My post is going up later than normal today because last night after dinner I was just too busy to schedule a post. First I had to take a nap then another and another and before I knew it, it was time for me to go to bed.

So today I bring you the master at work. Here is Gibbs working on his nose art masterpiece

This was taken yesterday, so yes, we have snow again. It's not a lot but it's enough to remind us that winter is still here.


Marg said...

Gibbs, you are being such a good watch dog. Great picture of you. Glad you don't have too much snow. Have a great week end.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enough snow to be pretty but not to cause big problems. hope Gibbs does something pretty with his nose art... I find the best nose art removal, is a drop of dawn, a dollop of vinegar, a dollop of ammonia in a sink of hot water. wring the terry cloth rag as dry as you can, and then dry with a dry terry clothe rag. I use terry small hand towels. sparkles like new.

Latane Barton said...

aw, Gibbs is such a cutie. Do you leave his art work up to enjoy for awhile?

peggy said...

Your posts with Gibbs make me lonely for a dog of my own and this is new for me. I thought for a minute I was a cat person. Hi Ann

Sandee said...

Naps are good. Especially after you've worked all week.

I always love to see Gibbs. He's a handsome man dog.

Enjoy your day off.

Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

crafty cat corner said...

I gather by nose art you mean the pretty patterns his nose makes on the glass, we have this king of art on our kitchen windows, they make it while they watch the foxes in the evening. lol

Grace said...

Nice photo, not nice snow, even if only a little. I'm dreading what Mother Nature might have in store for February given how kind she was to us in January. (Pretty much every night I have to wake my husband up from a nap so he can go to bed...)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Does Gibbs like the snow? Your post has made me very sleepy, and now I want a nap!

Unknown said...

Hi Ann, long time no see :) Gibbs looks like he enjoy supervising the outside. It is very mild over here in Ireland

Lin said...

Such a dreary time of year! It is no wonder you are "hibernating." That is all this cold and snow is good for...naps! I think I shall join you in that. :)

Christine said...

Gibbs seems to be enjoying the view outside. Does he like the snow?

Hootin Anni said...

Nose art. And a master at his work, for sure!!

But, it's like he's saying "Snow, snow go away, come again another day." Like in 2018!!!

Marie said...

It is nose art! love it! I leave a lot of our nose art to help the birds to not fly into our glass.
nap after nap is needed sometimes. :) so glad you didn't get a lot of snow. hoping you get lots of sunshine tomorrow to melt it quickly and make everything even more beautiful.

Jille said...

I am woken up every morning with our dog Watson Basset making nose art on my face! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Our Theo is our nose artist! He keeps me busy cleaning windows! lol

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