Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Not too long ago I posted a picture of the lambs ear in my front yard. I think there were a couple of you who said you had never seen the flowers it gets and I had promised to take pictures when these flowered.
From further back you can see how it gets tall stalks that flower on the top

They haven't fully opened yet but you can see the little purple flowers in this closer shot.

Oh and I just noticed there is a spider web on this one.


Grace said...

These are really pretty plants/flowers! (Are things going 'good enough"? And is it time to just hunker down and sleep for 24 hours?) ♥️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful, I have never seen them bloom, the leaves are so pretty with the wooly look and the flowers are already amazing at almost bloom. waiting for the rest of the story pics.... I had a fight with a spider in the bathroom today, I won but barely

Anonymous said...

I just love your photos. It's been a long time since I've had this plant in my garden. It does not like they heavy/wet clay here in GA! Seems to me the plant has a grape scent. God bless you today, Ann. xo

Lin said...

There are just some plants that don't flower well. Hostas are like that to me too....I always cut the blossoms off. But I always like to touch lambs ears. So soft!

Pam said...

I love my Lambs Ear. They are so pretty and being the leaves are not a dark green and have the whitish color to them they add to the garden.

Sandee said...

Very pretty. I see the spider web too. Took me a bit, but I found it.

Have a blessed day my friend. Big healing hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I have never seen that plant... Interesting...

Still thinking about you and praying for you.

The Feminine Energy said...

Love-love-love!!!! Mother Nature is wonderful, isn't she? Lovingly, Andrea XOXO

Ida said...

The flowers are quite charming.

bichonpawz said...

Hi Ann, Just stopping by to say hello and let you know I am thinking about you and you are still in my prayers. I hope you are doing ok.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, some varieties don't bloom. Hope your day yesterday went smooth and left gentle thoughts on you.

Debbie said...

Hi Ann, I have these in my little garden and I've never seen mine grow tall like that, they always just stay hunkered down along the dirt, and I have never seen them bloom, unless I missed it! I'll have to take a better look this year, but I do love the softness of the leaves. Hope you are doing OK.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you. I did question you about them. The flowers are so pretty.

Anni said...

I was probably one of those that said I'd never seen them...they're awesome.

Thinking of you my friend!!

Ann said...

Well I don't know if things are going good enough but I'm moving in the right direction. I don't know about sleeping 24 hours. I just feel like I want to move and live and breathe. Does that sound odd?

Ann said...

the hosta flowers never last long enough

Ann said...

I love the feel of the leaves

Ann said...

I can't believe I didn't notice that when I was taking the picture

Ann said...

I never had these until Wade and I got married. These came from the house he lived in before we got married. I dug some up and planted them around this tree

Ann said...

Yes, she sure is

Ann said...

They are, and the leaves are so soft

Ann said...

Thank you Jeanne, I think I am doing ok.

Ann said...

I didn't realize there were more varieties of this plant.
Yesterday did go smooth and yes, I believe there were plenty of gentle thoughts to go around

Ann said...

Just learned from Steve above your comment that there are different varieties and some don't flower.

Ann said...

They are and the leaves are just so soft

Grace said...

No, just another example of how people cope differently. I would be exhausted and want to just be alone and hide. I cope by retreating, you by being out there and active. It’s all good.

peggy said...

Dear Ann, I have had some setbacks lately (minor) and I am so sorry I have missed writing before now. For some strange reason, your post was the only one I checked on today. I am so sorry for your loss,and I am thinking of you. I appreciate your posts so much and that you look for beauty everywhere, even in sad times. Love, Peggy

Ann said...

Thanks Peggy. I always appreciate your visits. In a world full of craziness my blog has beent he one place where I've tried to keep things positive.
Sorry to hear you've had setbacks. I hope all is OK

Sharkbytes said...

Snuggle the Gibbs, pet the lamb's ear, breathe deeply. You are doing great.

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