Friday, June 1, 2018

Look into my iris.

When these were given to me I was told that they are Japanese Iris.

For now, I have changed the comment form to embedded. That will make it easier for me to reply to your comments. For those of you that I know like the interaction through email, I will send my reply there. At least that is the plan. I read on another blog that they are expecting the email situation to be fixed.

Speaking of another blog, I know several people who have switched to WordPress. I thought I would give it a try. Let me just say that it made me feel really stupid. I got as far as the title on the top and got frustrated and quit. Will I go back and try again to get it up and running? Maybe I will. But I will need to be in a better frame of mind when I do it and it will need to be when I've got plenty of time. I think I'm just so used to the way blogger works that anything new confuses me.

It has been quite hot around here the past several days. I like heat but it seems that the older I get the less I can tolerate it. Most especially if it's humid. Last night we got rain and the most glorious breeze. The temperatures were still in the 70's so it was quite comfortable.


Grace said...

I should like irises (the flower) if only for their color, but I don't for some reason. The first 2 or 3 or 4 times I have tried WP I too got frustrated but this time it all went rather smoothly and you have so many more options when creating a post, I really like that. I can makes lists, indent, all sorts of nifty things I need. And the hasn't been hot here but it has been humid, and rainy, and SO humid I couldn't tell whether it was actual rain or just humidity that was making everything wet. I hate Summer!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, These are lovely irises. I hope your weather will cool off for the weekend. Hope your are feeling better. xo

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful irises!

And as for blogger & weather, well you know...we both feel the same!

Sharkbytes said...

I didn't care for WP. Love the iris.

Connie said...

Beautiful . . . I always think of my grandmother when I see iris. There was a tiny creek that ran on the other side of the road from her house, where her mailbox was. She cleared it out and planted iris and as the years went by the iris multiplied and soon the whole area on the other side of the road was masses of iris. Grandma did the planting and the creek kept them watered :)

Sandee said...

Very pretty flowers. I love this time of year. So colorful.

I used embedded comments when I used blogger and they work very well in letting you reply to comments. Better than doing them at the end of all the comments.

WordPress is different, but if you tinker around with it you'll come to love it. It's got Blogger beat all the way around.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are not comfy here weather wise , today our feels like is 95 YOWSA. gorgeous iris you have and I like looking into them.. I love blogger and I feel word press will have the same problems, they have to be with the EU thing also. I don't want to leave all my thousands of post behind. I see some love wordpress so what ever floats your boat. it could build new brain cells learning how. the thing is I have one wordpress follower that it will not let me comment unless I have a word press log in. I don't want one so I dont' comment.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, they are Japanese. And yours are beautiful! I had to quit commenting on Wordpress posts, because all of the pictures were so small that you had to click on them to get them bigger. And that takes time when you are commenting. Blogger said that it should be fixed sometime next week. Let's just hope that is true.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Blogger is working on the issue. I couldn't make a switch at this point and time in my life. Your flowers are beautiful. Have a nice weekend.

BeadedTail said...

Pretty flowers! I think we have some of those two but I didn't know that was what they were called. It's in the 60s here and beautiful! I don't do heat well so I'm loving this weather.

Out on the prairie said...

so nice, I planted 300 once and had some nice cut flowers to bring in

Ann said...

There are flowers I like more than iris but they're ok. I'm sure I'll try again for the WP blog but it just wasn't clicking with me.

Ann said...

They are pretty and I actually like these better than the regular iris.

Ann said...

3 bloggers I know of who switched love it. So far I am not impressed. It's just not clicking with me.

Ann said...

What a sweet memory of your grandmother. Smart of her to plant the iris there to keep them watered too.

Ann said...

The embedded does make it easier to reply but not my favorite way to do things. WordPress is just making me feel stupid right now and it's not clicking with me at all. I'll try again but who knows.

Ann said...

I love the Japanese iris and like them even more than the regular kind. They have grown so much that I have thinned them out several times and moved them around the yard. I just wish they would last longer.
I sure hope blogger gets everything fixed soon.

Ann said...

I like this type of iris better than the regular ones. They are pretty.
Perfect temperature for me is a nice 75 with no humidity. I've never minded the heat but the last couple years the humidity is killing me.

Ann said...

These have been separated and moved around the yard several times. They are very tolerant of people with no green thumb. I should go out and cut some and bring them in before they're all gone. Why didn't I think of that?

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