Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Just me

I keep catching myself saying "we" and I stop and realize there is no more we, it's only me. So now I need to learn how to be me.


crafty cat corner said...

Just take each day Anne. I may have to face this sometime, I just hope its not too soon.

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Ann.

Hootin Anni said...

You will always have the memories & happy times of when it was 'we'. A new chapter has opened now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have heard others say it takes a long long time to become a me not we. hugs as you learn.. I like what Anni said, you will always be able to say we about memories.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just googled when we becomes me and found a blog about it

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Becoming 'just me' takes some getting used to.

Love, hugs & prayers for you dear Ann

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Thanks for the link Sandra.

Lin said...

It will come. But you know, pronouns are all over the board these days, so just roll with it. ;) I hope work went well yesterday.

Grace said...

And what an experience that will be - with it's high and lows and bumps in the road. Your experience will not be like anyone else's - embrace it all - feel all the feels - And don't forget to laugh!

Sandee said...

You'll do it though. It's how you roll. I've no doubt you'll figure out where and what you want to be.

Have a blessed day, my friend. Big healing hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Silver in AZ said...

Just one day, or even one moment, at a time. You will get there, and you will always have your memories. :: hugs ::

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless your heart... It will just take some time --maybe lots of time... Just keep putting one foot in front of the other --and try to stay positive thinking of the good times.

Pam said...

It will get better you are still in the adjusting stage, still grieving stage. It will take time to realize that its just you now. Bless your heart hoping that time flies by for you .

The Feminine Energy said...

((((((((((((Ann)))))))))))) Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's okay to say we. He is in your heart. I just keep shaking my head thinking how could I ever make it through what you are going through. I know life goes on and we have to trust in God's plan for us even when we don't like it.

Ann said...

I hope not for a long time

Ann said...

Very true, I have those

Ann said...

It sure does.

Ann said...

I'm getting good at rolling :)

Ann said...

They do say laughter is the best medicine

Ann said...

Yep, I've learned over the years to forge ahead

Ann said...

Thanks Betsy, someone asked me today if I was doing ok and said yes and that being ok was the only option I had :)

Ann said...

Thanks Pam. Each day will bring new challenges and a little more strength to endure

Ann said...

Thanks Andrea

Connie said...

My heart goes out to you, sweetie. You are in my prayers.
Connie :)

Reeni said...

Aww big HUGS

Terra said...

It has been over a year for me and I am becoming ok now with saying "my" house, and "I", but often switch to "we" when I talk about things we did together. Take as long as you like and need for each step in healing.

Out on the prairie said...

thinking of you all the time

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...


Sharkbytes said...

We was good. Me is good. You'll figure it out.

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