Saturday, June 9, 2018


Since I have so many different thoughts mingling around in my brain today is a good day to clear the clutter and put them on the blog. I'm including random pictures from the archive to break up the rambling.

 I found out through an email yesterday that not all comments are showing up on the blog. I decided to check to see if things were going to the spam folder by mistake. I found several comments dated between last December and March of this year from several of you. I remember reading some of them so I know that they did originally publish to the blog. Not sure what's going on there.
 The weather has been cooler here for the past week. Temperatures have only been in the 60's. For some of you that would be downright cold but it's actually been pleasant. Yesterday it started warming up again. Hopefully it won't include high humidity.
 I haven't been very crafty lately. Remember the jar I showed you not too long ago that I decoupaged? I do have one more made and another one started. I brought home 6 more jars from work that were headed for the garbage. My plan is to get busy and work on them today. Lets see if I can follow that plan.

Yesterday I mentioned the forms I made for the person I'm training. This is a guy. He's 21 and a pretty good worker. Several people find him annoying because they think he's a bit arrogant and bossy. I don't see it though. He's the only one that runs around full steam ahead like I used to be able to. He gets things done, although he's a bit on the messy side. He's confidant which I think is the reason people find him arrogant. Best of all he takes constructive criticism well and he listens to my instruction.


handmade by amalia said...

Great photos! Sometimes a random day is a very good day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, These are very pretty pics. I am envious of the cooler temps you've enjoyed. Sounds like things are going well with the trainee. I hope you will have a pleasant weekend.

Marg said...

Love the flower pictures and that one spot with the water is really pretty. Have a great day Ann.

Sharkbytes said...

I like those pics- of course! Flowers, right. If your new guy works well for you, that's great.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was happy to get to the end of your ramblings and find you got a new employee that knows how to work, messy or not. people who are poor employees never like the ones that work because it makes them look bad. that is my theory. I found old comments in my moderation that I had read also.. but only a couple of times. yay on the new jars. maybe you could find a few flowers in a thrift store to stick one or two in the jars. I say thrift because some people donate nicer flowers than the dollar tree has. glad you are getting sun, we are headed for 90's every day this week …. it is the time of year for me to whine about heat

Sandee said...

If people are giving it all in the workplace there are always those that don't give their all to complain. I've watched that dynamic many times. I think you've got a great new hire.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

bichonpawz said...

Hi there Ann! I hope all is well with you. I have been out of the blogosphere for awhile. You have posted some beautiful pictures today! So glad that your new guy is working out. Many of today's kids just don't want to work period. It seems as if you are interrupting them! Don't even get me started on Customer Service in today's is nonexistent! I look forward to seeing your jars. Happy Saturday.

Grace said...

New kid sounds like a winner - We've gone from lovely Spring weather to humidity and mildish temperatures but that damn humidity is so bad I couldn't breathe had to turn the a/c on - I don't know whether it me or the weather...

Rick (Ratty) said...

I had some problems with commenting a few days ago, but it was a problem on my end. Spam filters catch people wrong on my blog every once in a while. Once I go in and fix it they seem to be fine after that.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is really odd about those comments. The photos are lovely. Glad the new guy is working out.

Out on the prairie said...

Messy can be a guy thing. LOL Love your archive shots, I have my swim trunks on and it is 95

Duni said...

I've heard from several people that there's a problem with comments on blogger. Hope it gets resolved soon. Love the bird photo!

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