Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thoughts on the Amish

(image from

We have a lot of Amish customers come through the store where I work. I've noticed that while some of the women are friendly and will chat a bit, most of the women are polite but only will speak to you when necessary. The men are way more friendly than the women. And then there are the children. I am amazed at the difference in the way they behave compared to non Amish children. Not only do the they walk and stay right by the parent, they are quiet and well behaved. Even babies are good. I don't think I have ever heard any of their babies crying.
I was kind of disappointed though the first time I saw one of the Amish women buying a cake mix. I was under the impression that they baked everything from scratch.


Connie said...

Hey we all need a quick fix now and then . . . Betty Crocker to the rescue, LOL

Rose said...

Laughing at Connie's comment. There are Amish in a nearby county but I seldom see them. Then there is a town about 75 miles from here ...there are two quilt shops. One thing about both, when you buy a piece of fabric, they ate always generous with their cut...always a little bit over.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am wondering if they are the new Amish and not like the old. as in progressive Amish. my friend is Catholic and goes to a progressive Catholic church, subtle changes. traditional Amish I don't think would shop in your store. note the word Think

Pam said...

Yeah, me too. I thought they baked from all the stuff they made, like flour and what knot along the way. I wonder if the women are stand offish cause that is how the man wants it.

R's Rue said...


Lin said...

I'm sure the Amish take short cuts every now and again. Have you ever watched "Breaking Amish?" While I'm sure this show is camped up for TV, they are everyday people bound by strict religious laws. (I don't think baking and cooking fresh is any part of their religious laws...but I don't know) Actually, the teens go through a period of "wilding" where they go out and explore the English life and make the decision to go back to Amish...or not. So, they are exposed to all sorts of things, including drugs and alcohol. If you get a chance, do some reading on the Amish--it isn't the picture perfect life, that's for sure.

BeadedTail said...

Do they ever buy any of your baked goods? Maybe it's okay to make a cake from a mix but not to buy one already made. I don't know anything about them so I should watch the show Lin suggested.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That's funny about the cake mix! Since they don't use many modern timesaving things, they need everything they can to make their life easier. We have a lot around here. In fact, we are Mennonite, and Amish came from them. But of course, they wanted time to stand still and we did not.

Sandee said...

I loved going through Amish country. They were most gracious and and their food is fabulous. Hubby has an Amish cookbook and wow.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

It is a fairly authoritarian culture, which results in well behaved children and rebellious teens. I wonder how many Amish teens return home after rumspringa this days? I once bought an Amish apple cake at at Farmers Market in Philly - probably homemade from scratch but when I got it home and unwrapped it it was oozing oil/grease and I threw it out. Maybe boxed cake mix is a better bet...

CheerfulMonk said...

My problem with the Amish is how some of them abuse their animals. I'm thinking of the puppy mills and cases of working horses to death -- in one case kicking and beating the horse as it was dying from pulling a load too heavy for it. It's a mixed bag, like the rest of life.

CheerfulMonk said...

PS I have a warm spot in my heart for cake mixes. Some of the happiest moments of my life involve them.

Hootin Anni said...

I have Amish in me. A long time ago, they refused any modern conveniences, but now they even have tv's.

Ann said...

Can't really say, I guess that's just they way they are. They keep to themselves.

Ann said...

I've heard of the show but never watched it. I have read things about there way of life. The "wilding" time they have is called Rumspringa. I watched a movie once based on a true story about two girls who went to the big city.
I know for sure that I could never live the Amish lifestyle.

Ann said...

I've never seen them buying any baked goods but that doesn't mean they haven't. I know they like to buy a lot of lunch meat.

Ann said...

I can not imagine what life in the Amish community is like. I don't think I would like it but then if that was all I had ever known it would be different.
I always thought that Mennonite came from Amish, not the other way around. I learned something new thanks.

Ann said...

There is an Amish store not far from me that sells lots of bulk foods and other assorted things. Then there is another one that has furniture.

Ann said...

I suppose just like anyone else, some women are better at baking than others.

Ann said...

The puppy mill thing does seem to be a problem with the Amish around here.

Ann said...

I didn't realize that. I thought they still kept the modern conveniences out of the home. I did hear that some will have seperate buildings away from the house where they will keep a computer for business purposes only.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I enjoyed hearing your thoughts about the Amish. Very interesting facts about their children and how the men are more friendly. I wonder if the women are happy? Yes that would seem unusual about the cake.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

love your comment...

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