Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Today is the first day of the rest of my life

First let me start by saying thank you to all of you who left me such encouraging comments yesterday. That's why I love all my blog pals. You lift me up when I'm feeling down and remind me that everything is going to be just fine.

Yesterday I started my day with a bright and sunny attitude. I had an extra spring in my step as I made it through the work day. I was talking to the girl in the deli and I was saying I should go home and mow since it was going to be a cooler day than what today is supposed to be. By the end of the day I was making excuses saying that I couldn't mow because I had used the last of the gas the last time I mowed.  Now I bet you are wondering what that has to do with anything. Why not go out and get more right? Well my excuse has been that once I get home and let Gibbs out I hate to have to pen him back up again to go get the gas. So I get home prepared to blow off the chore and then I gave myself a little kick. Reminded myself that there is no reason why Gibbs can't ride along to get the gas. I grabbed the can and his leash and off we went. Then I came home and got the mowing done. My lines look a little crooked.

Would you follow this path?

This is what my shaggy Mr Gibbs has done. He goes out the basement door and takes off running around the side of the house. It looks horrible but it is what it is.

After mowing and a few pictures we went in to have some dinner followed by a shower for me and bath for shaggy boy.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you are feeling up today and diving into the first day of the rest of your life. I would walk that path and love it.. its all so green, we have no grass and what we do have is brown... that is a LOT of grass to cut. I do the same thing, I come up with whatever reason I can think of to not do something. good idea to let Gibbs ride with you

Rose said...

At least you hot it done...I did the same thing with the tard Monday...was going to mow, then decided not to and sat down, then gave myself a talking too and got up and mowed. And am so glad I did cause it rained yesterday, is raining today. Will be a mess before we can get back in it.

Grace said...

Yup, the lawn is all groomed, now it's Gibb's turn!

Sandee said...

See you got it done and now you don't have to worry about it for a bit. I'm and excuse finder kind of person too. Why do today what you can do tomorrow or next week.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Glad you just did it and got it over with. Kids and dogs wreck havoc on lawns, but it grows don't worry about it.

I am glad you are feeling better today!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congrats! I would not look forward to it. The path looks like an actual path that was put there on purpose, so I think it is great. What a funny story about Gibbs! I can see him now racing around the house.

Connie said...

Didn't you feel better after getting it done? And again this morning when you looked out at your pretty fresh mowed lawn? Sometimes we all need to know how to kick ourselves in the butt, LOL. I did it yesterday by taking a walk. I always seem to make an excuse why I can't do something for myself.
We both need help in this area . . . so we'll just encourage one another :)
Have a sweet day.
Connie :)

Pam said...

I am proud of you....I seem to be making excuses to not do and not any to do....

Ann said...

Yes it is. I have to find a new groomer first though

Ann said...

Good thing too because it rained today

Ann said...

I'm working eliminating the whole procrastinating thing. It's a slow process

Ann said...

I don't mind mowing but sometimes it wears me out.

Ann said...

Thanks. I gotta keep giving myself pep talks

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Little steps, and don't feel bad if you fall of the wagon, just get back on with whatever you doing to make you feel better about yourself...

CheerfulMonk said...

Congratulations! Pups are well worth the havoc they wreak. :D

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go! I find that sometimes you just have to make yourself do it and you feel so good after you do.

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