Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A beautiful day in the neighborhood.

 The temps were in the high 40's. May have reached 50's but I don't remember. I had made a couple more of the zipper pouches. Don't know why this one is coming up sideways. In my download folder it's in portrait. Oh well you get the idea.

Well I decided to take a walk. It was a gray day but it was warm

I walked down to my daughter-in-laws beauty salon and I took all the zipper pouches I had. I figured I would offer her one. While I was there 2 other people were in there also and I also gave each of them one of the pouches. My DIL took the "Don't let today be a waste of makeup". One woman took "Stuff I try not to lose" and the other took "Sh%@ kit"

I've got a few more of these pouches in half done. I can't stop making them. I apparently had an obsession with buying fat quarters for a while and that's on top of all the other fabric I already had in my stash.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love looking at fat quarters, but have no idea of anything simple I can do with them. Especially with no sewing machine. But there are so many pretty bundles. My favorite is the one with aqua writing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know your DIL is a hairdresser. I need one I can get to listen. I thought you were going to say they bought them, you could sell them for a couple of dollars and buy more fat whatever's, have never heard of those. need to look it up.

Lori said...

I really love the bags. It's good to see pictures of your area with no snow on the ground. That has to make you smile.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann I love that these adorable and unique pouches are turning in to
random acts of kindness. They have special meaning to folks
Hugs cecilia

Jeanette said...

Nice of you to give them away! People can always find a use for a little pouch! I have several I use for different things.

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