Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sew and sew

 I have been several places lately but would you believe I have never even thought to take pictures? I get home and realize I should have gotten something to use for blog material. I guess I'm too excited to just be out of the house.

While I have been spending a lot of time inside at home lately, I have at least been doing something. I've been sewing more.

I did another batch of pouches. These pictures may include some I did already or the sayings on them may be a repeat of the ones I did before.

My next plan is to make some of these using Ginny's suggestion of putting the pretty printed fabric on the outside. 

Tomorrow I have two other sewing projects that I've completed.


Ginny Hartzler said...

These are so adorable! I love the one that says "Might be snacks, might me makeup." What are you putting in them?

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you're getting out and having a good time. That's more important than taking pictures. :)

Katerinas Blog said...

Wonderful creations,
you are a very creative person.
I want to start sewing again
(I have been sewing for years)
but I keep putting it off and I just don't have the time!!
Have a wonderful day Ann!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't wait to see the print side out... you can leave off the circuit or it might do ok on print. I don't even take photos in walmart now, rush in rush out, I keep thinking I will go downtown on a walk shoot but don't

Lori said...

I don't usually take many pictures when we're out either. Living in the moment is better.

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG. I love that you made these. Do you have a blog post about how to put a zipper in? I've never done one before and yesterday when I was out I saw a little zippy bag and thought, I'd like to make one of those. Then I found this post of yours today. Very, very cool.

Did you get to JF for any of the stuff? So far I'm still seeing more deals at Hobby Lobby. Though JF is supposed to get new stuff from their warehouse, daily. I dunno if that's true or not. I'll run there again to see.

PS: Still no blogger email.

Chatty Crone said...

I think you are having a very good time with this. You are talented, loving, and very creative!

Shug said...

What a great suggestion from Ginny. There are shops in our area that would do good at selling items like this. I think they are all adorable.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann I love that you are using your indoor time so creatively!!
Each one a creative treasure to whomever receives it
Hugs Cecilia

Rita said...

I rarely remember to take pictures when I am out and about or when I have company. Too involved in what's going on--lol!
I can hardly wait to see the colorful fabric on the outside ones, too. :)

photowannabe said...

Love your little zipper pouches..You Go Girl...Glad you are getting out a bit and having a good time forget the photos..It is fun to see the memories though. As your weather warms up maybe the camera will come out more.
Have a great day.

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