Sunday, November 11, 2012

A buck for a blessing

I saw a young woman standing by the exit/entrance to Wal-Mart yesterday. As I approached the traffic light I could read the sign that she had hanging around her neck. It read "A few fries short of a happy meal. Any help would be a blessing"
The wording of her sign made me laugh and it was either that or the chocolate bar I was eating at the time but I rolled down me window and handed her a buck.  I got a great big "thank you so much and enjoy the sunshine" from her and I was on my way,


Marg said...

That was a great sign. I always feel so sorry for those people. Good for you to give her something and you know she appreciated a lot. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i thought you were going to give her your chocolate..... ha ha ho ho he he... i would have done the same thing. we came out of a resturant last summer, it was blazing hot. there was a young woman standing in the parking lot close to our car. when we got there she said, my husband and i are homeless, we have found a room but they charge of 10 per day to live there. i have 2.75 and she held out her hand to show me, she said could you let me have whatever change you have in your car. I reached in my pocket and handed her a ten and said tonight you can sleep inside, good luck, she ran across the lot towards her husband waving the ten like a flag and when she got close he started waving both hands in the air and screaming thank you thank you... it makes me feel wonderful just typing it.

Out on the prairie said...

It is sad in todays world that anyone goes hungry.

Anonymous said...

My husband is very free and easy with sidewalk entrepreneurs but if someone asks for a quarter he will give them a quarter, if they ask for a dollar he will give them a dollar. One gentleman told him that he asks for spare change because if you ask for a specific amount people aren't as generous or willing.

One time we were on vacation in my home town and a gentleman approached us asking for money for food - my husband being leery asked if he was really going to use the money for food, the man said yes, my husband said let's got to that deli across the street and I will buy you anything you want. The man agreed! As we talked a bit turns out the gentleman was in my high school graduating class! We didn't know each other, there were over 2000 kinds in my class but it was an interesting encounter. We must have spent close to $10 on food for the guy.

Sandee said...

Good for you Ann. We give to shelters, not those on the street. The shelters are feeding so many anymore.

Have a terrific day. :)

Tanyia said...

I am glad and proud that you are not one to pass people by. I help when ever I can, and thank God I am not in that position.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Guess I have lost my compassion on people like that. I saw too much of it when I lived in New Orleans. There were beggars everywhere ---and they only wanted the money for their drugs... Very sad....

We learned to help people without giving money. We would help people pay their electric bills -by working with the utility companies instead of giving them the money... There are ways to help--but one has to work at it....

But--giving a dollar here and there certainly won't hurt... I admire you.

Debra Dickinson said...

I am SO going to borrow that line. How awesome is that? I love her attitude, and kudos to you.

allotments4you said...

That is definitely a great I think would probably suit me!!

We often see people on the streets in our town and they always tend to have dogs with them so I always go and buy the dogs a treat!!

It was lovely of her to be so grateful!!

Catherine said...

That was a funny sign. Totally worth the dollar to make her happy. You're sweet!
xo Catherine

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Nice gesture Ann...wish there were others such as you for those in need!...:)JP

Sharkbytes said...

It looks like George is winking on that bill!

Sheryl Hastings said...

They were talking about that on the radio a few weeks ago. People were saying how they would be more apt to donate when people were creative with theirs signs.

You probably made that person's day. Who knows what she has gone through in her life.

Marie said...

I would have done the same thing. You're really sweet to help her. I just love what she said to you! lol You can usually tell if someone is sincere, even if they're not, you're giving is!

Chatty Crone said...

I would have done the same thing - doesn't it make you feel good to do something like that - and she was happy and didn't ask for more. That was sweet of you Ann. sandie

Lin said...

I am more cynical. We've got a few around here that are regular beggars and so, I don't believe that they are truly homeless or broke--I think they are just making a killing off those too naive to know that they are out there every single day of the year. I'm in Chicago--home of scammers.

Reeni said...

Funny! And really nice of you! I usually ignore people like that. I feel mean now.

BeadedTail said...

That was a very clever sign. I'm pretty leery of those people but if they have animals then it tugs at my heart. It's nice you made her so happy with a buck!

Anne said...

How wonderful. Chocolate makes me feel like giving too.

Dee said...

It is only going to get many people in need and hurting....I would have given too. :)

Dee said...

It is only going to get many people in need and hurting....I would have given too. :)

Unknown said...

Whoa, I wish my parents had of made me wear a sign like that around people like you when I did something really stupid back then!

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