Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Seems mother nature had it in her head to do some dusting around here over the weekend.
She did some on Saturday

On Saturday we saw snowflakes flying around all day but there really wasn't much accumulation. Then we had some more on Sunday. This was out one of the upstairs window Sunday morning.

Then another shot of the same tree as in the second picture above but with a little more snow on it.

I had been wanting to run out and do an errand or two on Sunday and kept debating because I really didn't feel like going out in the snow. Luckily it did slow up and by afternoon it stopped. We may not have a whole lot right now but I know it won't be much longer before we are buried in the white stuff. Oh it's going to be a long winter.


marie said...

I love dust!!!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh SNOW! my mom keep on saying to me that I get to see SNOW again. Enjoy it! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Duni said...

This is what we're supposed to get this coming weekend. I can't wait.NOT.

bichonpawz said...

I know...I am the same way. I used to drive an hour each way to work in all kinds of weather...snow, sleet, fog...you name it!! Now, if there is a flake on the ground, I just stay home and wait for it to go away. Or have my husband drive! :)
It is going to be a long winter...

Unknown said...

"They" say that we might get some today, but "they" say a lot of things.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have a CHRISTMAS TREE living in your yard??? wow.. that is the kind of tree mother always bought to put up each year, the short needles, i think i can smell it. i would love the tree but not the snow. i guess to have one in the yard it would have to be in cold country...

Donna said...

OMWord girl! I'm Freezing here!!Hahaa...NONOBADSNOW!
Oh well...grin and bare it!

Whimcees said...


I have been catching up on your posts and loving the beautiful photography - especially of that handsome Duke! No snow here yet - today it is beautiful sunshine in this part of WI. But the cold lets us know it is on the way! I'm with you - I think it is going to be a long winter! Wishing you some sunshine!


Barbara Diane

Debra Dickinson said...

Ermagerd! (<-- the preferred word of my nieces and nephews these days, LOL) I miss the snow but I also don't live in it. A big thanks to you and Mother Nature for sharing this. Maybe she'll go easy on you this winter. Warm hugZ from TX.

Sandee said...

Snow here is rare. Last time was the mid 70s and it didn't stick for long. I'm not a snow person. I wouldn't like living in snow country.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to my favorite four legged friend Duke. Don't tell Little Bit though. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH---I'm so jealous. Snow makes the world looks so clean and peaceful....

Great photos... Be careful though if you drive in it.

Pat said...

Very pretty to look at - but so glad its not here yet!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the dreaded *S* word. I don't care how pretty the stuff is, I hate it. And it's dangerous...And it's cold...Phooey on the *S*...

Antonella said...

ah, yes, we have a bit of the white stuff today ourselves... had to run out at lunch time (the problem with forgetting your lunch) and it was slippery... not looking forward to clearing the snow from the car and driving home - lol
hugs, antonella :-)

Rose Clearfield said...

So glad that we haven't had any snow yet here! I probably shouldn't say that too loudly. :)

Dee said...

I love the first snow falls...I had to clean snow off my car on Sunday morning...it melted away quickly when the sun came out. The Evergreen trees look so beautiful with snow on them...just to bad that snow and cold go together. :) Does Duke like to go out in the snow?

Marg said...

I guess it isn't really early for snow. But it could have waited a little while, like til Christmas. Sorry you got that stuff.

leeuna said...

It's beautiful but I don't like to go outside in the snow. We will be getting lots of the stuff before long. What does Duke think about snow? Does he like to go outside and run in it?

Lin said...

I'm almost afraid to say this....

We don't have snow yet. It's cold enough, but no flakes as of yet. I don't miss it though.

Please keep your snow there, okay?

BeadedTail said...

I'm so not ready for winter! It does look pretty but it's so cold!

Chatty Crone said...

I have to admit that looking at this makes me so cold!!!!!!!!!! Brr.

sandie (stay warm)

Reeni said...

Snow dustings are so pretty! I really don't mind them. I'm crazy.

Sharkbytes said...

We had a little bit, but now it's gone and the weekend is supposed to be warm. Long range forecast is cold and dry. That is not good for snow lovers.

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