Friday, November 30, 2012

Rolled book page wreath

A week or so ago while visiting Ann Martin's blog All things paper, I fell in love with her rolled book page wreath. I knew I had to make one and that's just what I set out to do. I started rolling book pages. I got bored and quit. Later I rolled more pages, got bored and quit. Repeat that same process several times and FINALLY I had enough pages rolled to fill the wreath.

I purchased the tree ornaments at the dollar store and hot glued them to the center. This was accomplished within a matter of minutes, and several bad words followed by a few glue burns, more minutes and more bad words. At last it was finished and due to my lack of patience I quickly picked it up to admire my work. WARNING!!! Wait for the hot glue to dry otherwise ornaments may fall off and you will be picking hot glue out of your rug. You will also be forced to say a few more choice words and likely incur further glue burns.

I direct your attention to the red ornament at the bottom center. Those are not cracks you see in that ornament. That would be a great big hot glue mess. This may not be my biggest craft disaster however it is also not one of my shining craft moments either. At least it looks nice enough from a distance that I can still hang it on the door.


January Zelene said...

they look lovely. I want to make the same. :)

Duni said...

I love it, Ann!The rolled pages look so neat! Oh, I've had accidents with the hot glue gun before ;-)

bichonpawz said...

I'm pretty sure that anyone who has ever picked up a glue gun has been burned...more than once!! I LOVE the wreath!! It came out terrific!! Now, you just gave me another website to go and check out!! Thanks alot Ann!

Hootin Anni said...

...actually, I can say those words along with you. I like using choice words. LOL

But I must say, I think your patience to 'stick to it' and complete turned out very nice. I like it!!!

...and your previous post, my little Erik [when he was a toddling soul and not 40 like he is now] used to say spreading the joy of Christmas should be year 'round, not just one day of the year. So, I don't think it's ever too early.

Donna said...

Oh my gosh, that is beautiful! What a great job! The addition of the Christmas ornaments really makes it pop too. Hey, you can get the hot glue off with rubbing alcohol. It might take the paint off the ornament too (not sure), so you might want to test it first.

Small Town Mommy said...

I think it looks great. I have tried to make wreaths in the past and they are harder than they look. Yours is amazing.

Christine said...

Well done you for sticking at it and making a very nice wreath!
Hot glue brings out the best in us don't you think? lol!

Remington said...

I just had to show Beth is awesome! She wants to make one for her library....thanks for sharing!

Sandee said...

Adorable, but you had me laughing out loud with all those bad words. I would be saying a bunch too because I wouldn't be able to pull this craft off.

Have a terrific day and weekend ahead. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

that is pretty - I should get a glue gun - there must be tons of stuff around here I can glue together - it sounds like such a hoot - glue gun.

Ann Martin said...

It looks super, Ann! I love your touch of the fringed flower-like strips around the ornies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have tears running down my face, you are so much like me, i fully understand the lack of patience and the words that were uttered. i was laughing so hard hubby came to see why and i read it to him and he got great laugh to and i got another laugh. that said. I LOVE THIS. i am not into crafts as you know but this one i really really love it...

Chatty Crone said...

If you hadn't said anything no one would have known as it looks wonderful I burned my hand severely once with a hot glue gun. I am careful now. sandie

Helen said...

I love this. Got plenty of boring novels laying around. Will definitely try this.

Donna said...

Well it looks Great!! Cool idea!

Rose Clearfield said...

I haven't had that patience to put together one of those rolled book wreaths either, but they are very pretty. Yours came out very nicely, and no one will ever notice the little imperfections.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have seen this on the web before and did appropriate ooohs and ahhhhs! It is truly stunning, one of the most beautiful wreath I have ever seen. and it will last year after year! what kind of pages did you use?

BeadedTail said...

Hahaha! Sorry it was such a pain to do but it's funny now right? :) I think it's best I don't play with hot glue guns!

Dee said...

I love it!!!!...I still have a hot glue gun scar on my finger from long ago. All your crafts look nice...even your boo-boo's. :)

Marg said...

That does look like a great wreath even if you messed up. Doesn't look messed up to me. I think you have tons of patience to do all that you do. I lose patience in five minutes. Take care.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann this is so it.

Marie said...

It turned out so pretty!!! I love the red and green with the paper color! Pretty...pretty...pretty! I'm sorry about the burns, do you have a aloe plant close by? I always have fresh aloe, like grandma told me. :)

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

You did a great job on this Ann! Love it. I've had my share of hot glue burns ( and my share of cuss words) AND gotten some on my brand new carpet! It was hard to get out, but I finally did.

Antonella said...

Great wreath - definitely looks like a project I can do :-)
Hugs, antonella :-)

marie said...

I really like the book page wreaths. Love the idea of filling the center with the ornaments. It looks really great Ann!

Sudha said...

This is pretty gorgeous. I love this.


Debra Dickinson said...

You are amazing. Glue burns and all. And so is this wreath. I love it. Glue mess and all. Heading over to check out the linked blog. Thanks for sharing!

Sharkbytes said...

What a neat idea! How are the pages fastened together in the middle?

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