Wednesday, November 14, 2012

just the way it is sometimes

Yesterday morning I guess I just woke up in a snarly mood. It didn't take long for something small and insignificant to set me off. From there it just snowballed with other mole hills being made into mountains by my mood.

Today I think I'll just stop and smell the roses and get over it.


Sandee said...

Sometimes we have to take a step back and smell the roses. Often things aren't worth all the effort. Well most of the time they don't.

Have a much better day. My best to Duke. :)

Unknown said...

I think we all have days like that from time to time. And as you say, it's good to stop and just smell the roses!
Have a great Wednesday!


Crafting Queen said...

Lovely photo. Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment on my blog. Hope you have a joyful day. :)

allotments4you said...

We all have days like those Ann...but with such a beautiful picture to start off a new day things are already on the up!!

Hootin Anni said...

I'd definitely have to stop and smell [and PICK!] that rose. Lifts MY spirits as I hope it did yours...making it a better day for you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and that is the perfect rose to stop and smell, so pretty. my mood was effected by baby eating my drivers license, but now i am almost over it. not quite. i find as i get older i am easily pushed into snarly moods.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo ...and I know whereof you speak - had a day like that myself yesterday - tho thankfully I didn't wake up that way, the day turn kinda turned on me and I let it...Bad me!

Out on the prairie said...

Nice to pull away from feeling grumpy. I have today off and am watching a funny movie instead of fishing as I had planned.The fish shall still be there later.

Marie said...

I've been upset over a couple of things lately. My large photo card went missing. I'm pretty sure one of the dogs ate it! I keep hoping it will show up around the house somewhere. All the photos from my son's sixteenth birthday, getting his license, picking out his car!!! I still look for it everyday, starting to loose hope. :(
You have a good plan. That is a beautiful rose. :)
Hope you start feeling better!

Unknown said...

Will this one be made into a Lifetime movie? (Enquiring minds want to know!)

Rose Clearfield said...

Jerry's comment cracked me up. We all have those days sometimes. Hang in there!

Debra Dickinson said...

I'm in a snarly mood today and needed this reminder. Thanks Ann! If it is okay with you, I'd like to borrow your pretty rose and put it as part of my slideshow screensaver.

Chatty Crone said...

Ann that is one of the prettiest photographs of a rose I have ever seen - I took the time to stop and enjoy it.

Lin said...

Oh, geez. I hope today was a better day!! I find that days that start out that way get progressively worse--I hope that was NOT the case for you. ;)

leeuna said...

Sorry you're having a snarly day, Ann. I have a lot of those lately. must be the change in the weather. Love the rose. very pretty.

Dee said...

It happens to the best of us :-/

Sharkbytes said...

Those kinds of days are the pits. You want to cheer up, but just keep getting nastier and nastier. I'm sure it's gone by now!

Reeni said...

Hope you had a better day today Ann!

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