Tuesday, November 13, 2012

So what

Or make that "sew" what?

Well sew buttons.

Yeah, I'm running out of ideas for posts.


Out on the prairie said...

You wouldn't believe how many buttons I have,yet labor to even try to put one on and have a seamstress.Here in the Midwest, the river gave to a button industry with fresh water oysters.I would think the same on the Great Lakes.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! It means more DUKE posts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Duni said...

Love your assortment of buttons, Ann!

bichonpawz said...

We agree with Sugar! MORE DUKE please!!

Hootin Anni said...

lol...BUTT on any given day, your blog is always a delight. Even this one. I have my buttons in a coffee can...I like how YOU have yours displayed tho.

And, now after reading your friends Monday post, I'm on my way to visit Maire.

Anonymous said...

I love those close-up shots - I think they work realy well with "industrial" subjects...Now there is an idea for a photo series - close-up and interesting angle shots of household machines...Wonder what the inside of a food processor would look like shot from the top...

allotments4you said...

Buttons are ace. I have a big tin of odd buttons which my Mum gave to me when I left home. We used to play with them when we were children and since then My children have played with them too...there are some very unusual ones. Happy memories!!

Catherine said...

You have a terrific button collection! I wish I could sew. But I can't. :(
xo Catherine

Christine said...

Hope you get to sewing something! My old machine has packed in - at the busiest crafting season of the year!!

Chatty Crone said...

I have a button collection too Ann. And you know what - I still have my mom's buttons and they are so valuable to me. Sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are not, this is great and one i would have done if i had a sewing machine and 3 jars of buttons... so there... because you could and DID you have ideas. I for one LOVE IT

Anne said...

What a great way to store your buttons. I need something more effective that dropping them into a drawer.

Tanyia said...

lol I am sure you will think of something! How about that goulash recipe?lol

Remington said...

Cool post....I know how you feel....sometimes I just can't think of a thing to talk about....hard to believe, isn't it?

Sandee said...

All you need to do is tell Duke to do a post. He always steps up to the plate and does a fabulous job. I'm just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...


Unknown said...

Hmm, if only you had an impossibly cute little ball of white fluff to inspire you...

Marie said...

I have a button collection too! I don't really sew, but I do want to learn how. :)

Rose Clearfield said...

Love your button jars! The machine macro shot is great, too.

Dee said...

LOL...when you run out of ideas that is when true creativity kicks in....

BeadedTail said...

I don't even know how to sew on a button. Pretty sad huh? Bet Duke would help with a post!

Reeni said...

This reminds me of my best friend from when I was a kid - she used to always say "sew buttons on your underwear" or "sew buttons on your ice cream cone" whenever someone said so. Silly.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Crazy girl.... With your creativity, you should never run out of blog ideas... You can continue showing off some of your wonderful projects... I'll bet you have lots of Christmas ones started....

AND--what about Duke??? I heard him crying since you never feature him on your blog anymore... Poor Baby.... ha ha ha


Debra Dickinson said...

ROFL!! You SO gave me an idea for future post(s). Thanks! :)

Sharkbytes said...

Your jars are so clean and bright! I suppose one has to clean occasionally to reach that state.

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW your closeups are amazing!

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