Friday, November 22, 2013

60 grit

I would say that 60 grit is an accurate description of how my throat felt last Sunday. Coughing brought tears to my eyes. Thankfully after a day of downing a combination of hot and cold liquids my throat was feeling much better on Monday.
I wasn't lucky enough to get rid of the stuffy head feeling that has been my constant companion for the week though. I'm not quite convinced this is a cold, it could possibly be sinus issues but either way I have not been able to breath through my nose for days. Sneezing and coughing are two of my most frequent activities.
Boy I love this time of year. Hey at least it gave me something to blog about even if it is really boring material.


bichonpawz said...

You are never boring Ann! Hope you are feeling better!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry. But look at it this way, you will be all over the bad health by Christmas!!!

Duni said...

I couldv'e written this post, because I feel EXACTLY the same. My throat was just as bad last weekend. Ugh. I've had a stuffy head all week too. Feel better soon, Ann!

Connie said...

Dear Sweet Ann, I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad.
Hopefully it will have run it's course by the beginning of this weekend, and you'll be feeling better. You dear friend are never boring. You'll be in my prayers tonight.
Keep Smiling,
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

booahboo said...

Get better soon Ann... would honey help?

Hootin Anni said...

Ewwwwwwwwww, sounds NASTY!!! NyQuil....the sleep, restful, coughy, achy, headache medicine. Or however it goes.

Feel better Soon!

Marg said...

We totally agree, you are never boring. We do hope you are feeling better by now. That sure doesn't sound like fun to us at all. Try to have a good week end.

Helen said...

that is no fun, hope you will feel better soon.

Christine said...

'Tis the season...' for all that yukky stuff unfortunately.:-(
Sorry you've been so poorly and hope you feel better soon!

Donna said...

Darn it! I hope you get to feeling better! You are around the public a lot so I bet someone flung their cooties on you. Please get a flu shot if you haven't already!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Boring? NEVER! I love that beauty of a gritty photo.. really... LOL BOL MOL... so very sorry you are not breathing properly.. take 2 aspirins and blog me in the morning... there now, do you feel better?

Bossy Betty said...

Hope you are feeling better! Sending you hugs!

Sandee said...

I don't think you are boring either. I hope you feel better soon. Like right now because it's Friday.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

crafty cat corner said...

Maybe that's what has been hanging around making you feel less chirpy.

Donna said...

Oh you poor thing!
Get in that bed girlfriend!!

marie said...

I am SO sorry that you aren't feeling well. Lots of sickness in my neck of the woods too! Hope the germs stay away from me and I'll be praying you feel 100% real soon!

Grace said...

Sounds downright yucky! Hope a restful weekend is the cure...{{Huggiez}}

Dr Sonia S V said...

Dear Ann do get well fast.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann, it sounds like what the Pres cold, just went into a nasty cough...four weeks this week and finally getting better...:)JP

Tanya. said...

Hi Ann, hope you're feeling a bit better by now. You should try drinking Honey and lemon. One teaspoon of honey to 3 teaspoons of lemon in a mug of boiled water. It has natural antibiotic properties and is wonderful for coughs and colds. So much better than the stuff bought in stores and because it's all natural you can drink i as often as you want and yet still take any medication/painkillers you may need!

Antonella said...

Sorry I am late reading this, I hope you are much better now. I have been trying to finish up my ornaments... I am losing the battle, but will win the war, lol.
Hugs, antonella :-)

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