Monday, November 11, 2013

My lack of attendance

I seem to frequently be absent from my blog lately. I could try and come up with an elaborate story about where I've been and what I've been doing but that would require more effort than I care to exert at the moment.
The plain and simple truth is that with the colder weather I've been in hibernation mode.
Outside my window I see this

Of course it's pretty with the color but sadly a lot of that color is now on the ground and has been blowing up the street. It's been cold, rainy and we've even had a couple mornings that there was snow on the ground. It makes me want to spend all my free time curled up on the couch under a blanket either watching television or reading.
So with that being said, there are only so many times I can say "hey, I'm being exceptionally lazy and don't have anything to write about" Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about how the computer has been boring me to death lately. Oh, never mind I just told you that. Ah well, If anyone needs me I'll be on the couch right after I get home from work.


Tanya. said...

It certainly is the winter feeling right now....I see light at the end of the tunnel though Ann, 6 weeks and in England the days start to get longer again!!!

Duni said...

We currently have the same weather - it's freezing out there, so I understand the need to curl up on the couch with a blanket...I am not a winter person either!

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. Stay curled up there as long as you please. Looks very pretty outside your window!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you need a new craft to work on, I am thinking up one.. LOL you are really down if the computer is boring you... playtime in pizap should help... love the photo of your window.. beautiful, i would be dragging to with what you describe. the solution is move to Flordia

crafty cat corner said...

I know exactly what you mean, I get the same way often but its better to blog now and again when you are sincere than to post just for the sake of it.
I love your craft posts and love little Duke but do them when you feel like it.
There you are on my side bar and whenever you post I see it so I'm always there in the wings no matter how long you leave it.

Antonella said...

If you stop beating yourself up and enjoy some of your "down time" you will come back with re-charged batteries.... I bet you are doing something crafty, just haven't had the time to get up and post!
Hugs, antonella :-)

Sandee said...

I agree with the previous comment. Enjoy your downtime and there is no need to apologize to the rest of us. We'll get a pass from you when we want our downtime.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

Getting some white stuff, compared with laying in the sun with a couple dawgs Saturday

Marie said...

LOL at Sandra's comment! I say the solution is to move to North Carolina. :)

booahboo said...

Downtime is snooze time. Its always okay to be lazy to just curl up in bed and snooze with a good lil white furry buddy.

Grace said...

The winter blahs so soon? I understand the necessity for winter (I guess) but the reality of it, not so much...Don't snuggle too deep...but enjoy the "Ahhh..."

Donna said...

It's Christmas Movie Time!!!

(slinking away now....)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like a perfect thing to do after work… Get a good book, some hot tea or cocoa and hibernate…. I would be sitting on my recliner enjoying a cozy fire in the fireplace….

Warm here today--but the frigid air is coming

Connie said...

Dear sweet Ann, it is okay to take a break . . . no excuses needed :) Sometimes our body needs a period of time to just be still. So cozy up with a good book and relax . . . even take a nap :)
Keep Smiling,
You blogging sister, Connie :)

Lin said...

I actually started quilting again. At least I can say I'm doing SOMETHING when I'm sitting on the couch! ;) Good excuse, eh?

Donna said...

Thanksgiving is coming around soon, so it's time to count those blessings! Yes, the trees and vegetation are going to sleep for a while, but life - beautiful life - is continuing. Perhaps a blogging break will help refresh you!

Helen said...

I don't like those leaves on the ground a few manage to get in our house. And I missed those hot and humid day already.

Chatty Crone said...

So what does this mean Ann? And I think I understand.

Bossy Betty said...

I totally approve of the hibernation mode!

Unknown said...

It is allowed to curl up and be warm in weathers like these. I feel the same at the moment...I go to work, come home and is completely zapped. Have a great day!

BeadedTail said...

I'm lazy all the time! It's called too much to do and too overwhelmed to do it all so just veg instead!

Sharkbytes said...

I'm feeling that way myself today, but unfortunately, I have to go work! Wish Erie had been on the way to anywhere I was going this week. Still hope to meet you some day.

Nancy said...

I haven't been present much either and no excuses are needed. :)

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