Monday, November 4, 2013


Don't they just make you feel all discombobulated and turned around?

Disclaimer: Duke was not harmed in the twisting of this picture. I"m blaming this one on Sandra for this one because she sent me to Photoshop Express Editor. It's a quick and easy way to edit your pictures on line.

Seeing as how the majority of my weekend was spent on the couch either watching tv, napping or reading I really do feel like this today as I head back to work


Ginny Hartzler said...


Unknown said...

Mondays are always a bit twisted lol! Just about getting ready for work here...Enjoy yours!

Duni said...

Haha! That is quite the effect you gave Duke there ;-)

Out on the prairie said...

Whoa, I thought duke was getting vertigo. A fun way to enhance.

Donna said...

LOL, poor Mister Duke! Yes, that is a fun online editor.

Lin said...

I'm feeling like Duke this morning--especially with the time change!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

HA HA... i tried that twisty thing tooo. POOR Duke, all twisted up and mommy going to work and leaving you this way... i like the express part of it... easier to do a quick edit and not open PSE...

Grace said...

Not me! When you don't work and have no schedule, other than that imposed by your schedule-obsessed husband, one day is pretty much like the next...It can be a good thing...

Donna said...

He may be a little "twisted" but he's still adorable!
Enjoy the week...yuck!Hahaa

Pat said...

What a fun pic!

Sandee said...

I know you wouldn't hurt Duke in any way and I can so remember that Monday feeling. You captured it very well.

Have a terrific Monday. After today things look better. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

Yikes Duke! Looks like you need rest while your mom is at work today and hopefully you're both better once Monday is over!

Jille said...

Goodness me Duke, whatever was put into your Mother's hot beverage this morning clearly does not suit her (or you!) ;-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HA HA ---I figured that the Mad Snapper had something to do with this… She is warping a lot of good minds you know!!!!!!! ha ha

Duke's a cutie even if that photo made my neck hurt… ha

Marie said...

Duke looks a little twisted. :) And he still looks so cute!

Molly Smith said...

You are so funny! Love your humor :)
Monday is almost over, YAY!

Chatty Crone said...

Duke I feel like you look!

Sharkbytes said...

Duke, you have captured my feelings exactly.

marie said...

We just got back from a vacation -13 people in the group. This is how I feel right about now!

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