Friday, November 1, 2013

Cha ching

Yesterday after I got out of work Duke and I went for a little ride.

He says it was a nasty trick I played on him taking him to the v e t

He's had a bit of an itching problem and all my efforts to help the problem were failing. He got a nice little bag of goodies to take home and I got an empty wallet.

He was also due for his rabies and distemper so he got those two shots. Turns out he also had an ear infection so he got a prescription for that. I was out of the flea prevention and they had a deal where if you bought a 6 month supply you got 2 months free for $69. Total bill for the visit was $249 and change. I guess I won't be shopping this weekend. He was supposed to go to the groomer tomorrow but I called and asked her if I could change the appointment. My checkbook needs a couple weeks to recover.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is a really good thing you took him when you did, seeing that he has the ear infection!

Duni said...

Oh no! Hope Duke feels better soon!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The pres just picked up Moon's supply of heart worm chews...the prices are crazy for pet meds!!!...:)JP

Donna said...

I think that Mr. Duke needs to go out and get a job to pay for those bills, LOL! I hope he AND your wallet are on the mend soon.

Nancy said...

OMG -- the scratching and itching has hit here too with the dry weather. With our vet's okay, I give our two an antihistamine when it gets really bad!

Hootin Anni said...

....but considering it's all for Duke...worth every cent.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can relate, Baby cost me over 200 in Feb and Jake the same in May... i am thankful they go at separate times. it is the 6 months supply that is killer, but the 6 months is only 3 months for 2 dogs, and they way 50 pouns each, so i have to spend a fortune. so sorry Duke has the ear infection and is scratching.. poor little guy and poor you with nothing left in your wallet.

Pat said...

Hope Duke recovers quickly from the ear infection - and your wallet, from the knocks! ;)

Grace said...

But aren't you glad there was nothing seriously wrong and he'll be healthier and happier? Of Course you are! - Be thankful you have just the one...2 cats to the vet - just for a check-up? You don't want to know....

BeadedTail said...

At least now he'll be all better and that's priceless! Pretty cool his picture is on the box too!

Sandee said...

Yes, but Duke is so worth it. You already know that, but had to say it anyway. Our Little Bit is very expensive too. She has allergies and gets two shots every month. They are expensive, but they make her more comfortable.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to Duke. :)

Marie said...

I usually spend over $600 for my three. :) They're worth it, but still an empty wallet isn't fun. lol

Sharkbytes said...

That is a lot of moola per pound of Duke.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

People who don't have pets don't realize how EXPENSIVE pets can be. BUT--they are worth every penny aren't they??????


Lin said...

Yeah, it's a killer, but look how much love you get for that money you spend! He's such a sweet little guy...and so cute...

Out on the prairie said...

You can buy insurance

Helen said...

Ouch, ear infection. Poor Duke. Now, this kind of visit doesn't happy often I hope.

Chatty Crone said...

Girl - this is something I can relate to as well!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope Duke will feel better soon and your wallet recoups too.


Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann - are you part of my Facebook page WESTIES HEALTH -- FROM EARS TO TAIL?


Sheryl Hastings said...

Oh Duke! I feel your pain! I hate that place, especially when I have to spend the night. Bad experience all the way around.

I also feel your pain with the itching. My mom brings me home allergy shots (mean mom!) and sticks me!

But she has found something that makes me feel so good when I go through my itchy phases. She about a half cup of real oatmeal in about 2 cups of water for lots of hours. Then she takes me to the laundry tub and rubs the oatmeal water all over me for about 10 minutes, followed up by an oatmeal shampoo bath. Then she rinses me really good. It really helps my itching and she said that it gives my sores and skin a chance to start healing.

Catherine said...

Poor pup! No fun to be itchy!
Hope sweet Duke is feeling better.
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Never have I met a vet that did not empty my wallet. Hope Duke's itching goes away...poor little dude.

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