Saturday, November 23, 2013

So much for that idea

I wanted to post a picture of Duke that my daughter took the other day. She took Duke to the groomer for me and picked him up. He's looking quite spiffy with a cute turkey bandanna. She sent me the picture in a text message and I have tried twice to email the picture to myself so I would have it on my computer. My phone says the message was sent with the picture attached but it's NOT coming to my email.
I give up so instead you get a really old, really shaggy Duke

He looks so happy sitting there in the grass with the sun shining down on him. Won't be getting any of that this weekend, we're expecting snow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

He looks perfectly at peace. Too bad about the other picture, I would love to see it.

Tanya. said...

I love any photo of Duke...and at least it means you still have another post to write Ann. Hope you don't get too much snow!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

don't you have a love/hate relationship with technology? I do! Maybe you can snag a pic of Duke playing in the snow.

Keep warm 'cause baby it's goin' to be cold outside,

Donna said...

Even when he is shaggy, Mr. Duke is adorable! Hope you stay warm!

marie said...

Technology gives me fits! Duke on the other hand makes me happy!

Lin said...

It might be going directly to spam. That happens to my phone photos sometimes. Bummer...I wanted to see his turkey bandana.

How did your yard turn out after all that work? Are they done now?

Grace said...

Boo to snow - tho if it is just a light dusting then it is kinda pretty...and it goes away quickly...Enjoy the weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my man Duke looks great shaggy or trim... open the photo on your phone, take a photo of the phone photo with your camera...then post it, i want to see it.. i assume phones dont have sim cards to remove... and since i don't have one to to this i am thinking of way for me to see the pic

Sandee said...

Duke is handsome no matter what. You'll figure out how to get that picture into your email at some point.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. :)

Sheryl Hastings said...

We'll take a shaggy Duke any day! Bubba went to the groomer last week too. He looks like a completely different dog when he comes home.

Marie said...

Duke looks so adorable and relaxed! sorry about the snow. :( build a snowman and post it! we never get to do that here in Florida. :)

Christine said...

Cool as ever! Duke looks great any time!

BeadedTail said...

Shaggy or not, we love seeing Duke! Hope you're both having a great weekend!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You lucky, not because you're getting snow!!!...:)JP

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