Monday, January 6, 2014

Could be me

Have you ever seen that Campbells soup commercial with the snowman? You know the one where the snowman goes in the house and starts eating the soup and he melts into a little boy?

I'm wondering if when I come in from the cold and eat my soup if I could melt into the skinny person I used to be.


Unknown said...

Used to be? SIC 'ER, DUKE!

booahboo said...

hey... we have a mug that kinda looks like this... from campbells too. Its from a loooooooooooooooOOOOng time ago.
So... didya melt some after them soups? hehhehehehe

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if this works for you, let me know and i will come up there and play in the snow just to melt me down.... love the soup cup

Hootin Anni said...

I've not seen any commercials for two years now. TV.

But now that you mention this one, and your got me wondering?!!

Marie said...

is it works, I'm doing it!!! lol
stay warm!

Sandee said...

No, it doesn't work because I tried it. Okay, neither one of us is fat. We can't be rail thin like we were in our younger years. I think we would look awful.

Have a fabulous skinny day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Sharkbytes said...

Here's to the skinny person inside us all.

Donna said...

Gosh, if it were only that easy...

Out on the prairie said...

They had a good ad campaign. mmmm good

Helen said...

I like that commercial.

BeadedTail said...

I'll never be skinny so I'll just hope for melting into a younger version of myself!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I could stand to lose a 'little' weight - lol.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmm...when I put on my workout pants this morning and headed to the gym, I knew there was more than a little to shed!...:)JP

Jille said...

Well, how was it for you Ann?

Connie said...

Good luck on that one, LOL. If it works, I'm going to get out some Campbell soup for dinner :)
Congratulations Ann, you are the winner of my Give-A-Way. Watch for an email . . . your blogging sister, Connie :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Haven't seen that commercial --but it sounds cute…

Honey Chile, I was bigger than you when I was born… Enjoy your body and just relax….None of us are ever satisfied, are we???? ha

Reeni said...

Me too! :-) Love that commercial!

Dee said...

I have not seen that commercial...but wow..if we could be skinny like that...i would say....wahoo.

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

Let me know if that works, lol

Donna said...

Uggggg....if ONLY!Hahaa

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