Saturday, January 11, 2014


Sandra mentioned the other day that I still had Santa up in my header. I did know but was too lazy to change it. Last night I finally got around to making a new one but that was the end of my energy for the day.

I find it a bit ironic that yesterday I posted a cutesie picture saying to be the reason someone smiles today and then I started my day off by hitting a deer. Yes, that's correct, I hit a deer. I'm not sure if the deer is dead because it wasn't laying on the side of the road but it sure messed up my car. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much, the car is still drive-able and insurance will fix it but not only did the deer NOT make me smile I didn't smile when the lady from the insurance company informed me I have a $500 deductible. I know on a previous policy through a different company my deductible was $250 and I thought that when I switched over I kept everything the same. I told her and she said she would have someone call me regarding that.

I could blame the whole thing on winter driving but the truth is the road conditions had nothing to do with it. The spot where this happened has a steep incline on the side of the road that the deer came from. It was running up the hill and there was just no way to see it coming until it got to the top of the hill which by chance happened to be exactly right in front of where my car was at the time. Luckily the roads were snow covered and I was only going about 40 mph or it could have been worse.


Antonella said...

Oh no, sorry about your car - what a way to ruin your day :-( But I love your new header, fabulous!!!
Hugs, Antonella :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear this, your poor car and happy you are ok even if the car is not.. phooey on the deductible. we have 500 deductible on our cars because insurance in florida is the highest in the nation... and 1000 on our home owners... hope the deer is ok, this was definitely the wrong place at the wrong time for both of you..

YourSpecialDog said...

So sorry about your car :(

Lin said...

Those crazy deer! :(

Bummer...for you and the deer. Well, I guess it's a positive that you didn't have that thing creamed on the front of your car. I think you would have felt worse seeing it dead.

And it could have been a total loss for the car....and count your lucky stars, my friend.

Odds are, that when you switched insurance, they quoted you a better price with the higher deductible to get your business. You have to watch the numbers when you get quotes--they are sneaky like that.

Hope today gets better for ya.

Christine said...

Oh my! Still, I'm glad you're all right. Even if the car is damaged. Hope you manage to relax this weekend.

Sandee said...

Yikes Ann, that's awful. I hope the deer survived. Poor thing and then there is your car. Bugger to both.

Have a terrific weekend. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

As thick as they are here one always is on the watch.they are fast

Grace said...

Huge bummer - for you and the deer. At least it wasn't a moose.

Nancy said...

First of all, I'm glad you are okay, Ann -- yes, it could have been alot worse.

And secondly, my husband has been hit by 3 deer since we moved here 11 years ago... our deductible is $1000.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh, long as you are OK...first, then yes, I wouldn't be smiling either about the increase in deductible...I always am afraid of hitting deer on the country roads out here!...:)JP

Marie said...

glad you're okay. for years I had a $50 deductible, but now we have $500.
When I was a teen we lived in the country and my biggest fear is that I would hit a deer and I never did. Hope your deer is okay or passed quickly.

Unknown said...

I always found the amount of deer carcasses along I-80 in Pennsylvania way back when quite shocking.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I have always feared hitting a deer because I have heard it can be very dangerous (and costly) Sorry this happened to you but happy you are okay!

Chatty Crone said...

I am sorry about your car and the deer - but I am okay you are okay and things can get fixed.

bichonpawz said...

Been there Ann. Not fun. I feel bad about the car...and the deductable...perhaps the deer was just injured and just wandered away. Glad that you were not hurt!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh I'm so sorry… I have heard that the deer can really make a mess out of cars. SO-I guess you are lucky it wasn't worse and that you could at least drive it….

I know that we all love the deer --but they can cause a lot of problems too--just like other wild animals…


Sharkbytes said...

Deer and cars... don't mix. Hope all can be fixed well.

Donna said...

At least you're safe and sound...I'm SO grateful for that...

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