Monday, January 20, 2014

Zip it

In all the years since I've learned to sew I have always been afraid of buttons and zippers. When my daughter was little I made her several dresses but I always avoided patterns if they had a zipper or buttons.

After seeing several tutorials on Pinterest for projects with zippers and reading just how easy it was I thought I would give it a try.
I followed the tutorial for a simple zipper pouch that I found on a blog called Quilting in the Rain.

I don't think I'm afraid of zippers anymore

Heck I may even have the courage to face button holes now. Of course first I have to search for an inspiration project. 


Unknown said...

Methinks Duke should worry.

Duni said...

Those pouches are so cute! I'm not a huge fan of zippers, especially in dresses...

Pat said...

Well done you!
those little make up bags look fab!

crafty cat corner said...

Making button holes is my fear, once stitched and cut if done wrong a whole dress etc can be ruined.
Maybe pinterest has some tips for this, must take a look.

SarahGeorge said...

These are so beautiful! You are too good in crafts :). I have to confess that I missed many of my visits to your blog and hoping not to in the future :)

Hootin Anni said...

I never had a problem with either....but're more ambitious than I am to be sure. I haven't sewed much of anything in decades that would call for button holes or zippers.

You go Girl!!!

Loved your finished projects.

Lin said...

buttonholes are actually really easy...especially if you have a newer sewing machine. There are all sorts of machines that do them pretty much for you...or there are numerous tools out there to make them easier. Just practice them on a scrap piece of fabric until you master it.

You can do it!!

Anonymous said...

It's always a good feeling to learn something new and leave the fears behind... then you sort of go... what the heck was I so afraid of?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great job on the pouches and the zippers... they could be used for makeup, or even as organizers to keep small things in...

booahboo said...

You are doing zippers! and i still do not know how to use the sewing machine or knit yet :D

Out on the prairie said...

Looks real nice. Hmmmmm maybe a coat for Duke next.

Sandee said...

You have done well grasshopper. One fear gone.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

marie said...

I've had the same 'fear' for years! I need to check out this tutorial. Your little bags look great!

Sharkbytes said...

nice little zipper packs. Lined!

Grace said...

Those are great! I thought buttonholes were easy - just an attachment on the sewing machine. My mother could never master the art of zippers so all my homemade dresses had buttons with crocheted loops!

Helen said...

Aren't you glad you gave zipper a try? I can only hand sew zippers onto purses.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YEAH! See, old dogs can learn new tricks, Ann!!!...:)JP

Dee said...

Your creative ability's amaze me....

Donna said...

Three cheers for you getting over your fear of zippers! I've done a couple of projects with them, but I need to do a whole lot more.

BeadedTail said...

I have no idea how to sew on a button let along the button hole or a zipper so I'm totally impressed!

Unknown said...

I haven't been sewing in a very long time now, not since the kids were small and they are 26 and 22 now. Button holes can be a little tricky but once you get it, it's fairly easy. Zippers are difficult I can agree. Good luck in your projects, these looks fabulous.
Enjoy your day


Connie said...

Good Morning Ann, and Bravo! Now that you have concord your fear of zippers . . . just think of all the great new projects a head of you :)
Have a lovely day.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Sheryl Hastings said...

Yes! You can master buttons just like you did the zippers. I find myself avoiding things for fear too, then when I finally do it, I find that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hey, look how great these turned out!

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