Friday, January 3, 2014

I've got something to tell you

Come on in close, I've got a little something I want to tell you.
Do you ever get totally bored with listening to your human whine?

I mean seriously, what the heck is her problem? She's complaining that she can't get her poop in a group. I tried to explain how easy it is to her. I said "Mom, seriously, just go out there and pick a spot, walk around in a circle and squat"

I even pointed out a couple good spots to her out there in the back yard.
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She's not a very good student. She just doesn't listen.


booahboo said...

poop in a group.. LOL! that's a first :D

Unknown said...

You're too funny Duke ^_^

bichonpawz said...

BOL!! Duke! You are a RIOT!! xo

Jille said...

I love you Duke xxx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH MY... Duke, you should see JAKES GROUP... more like MOUNTAINS... so happy to see your bored face on here today... you are looking wonderful.

Duni said...

haha. I'm sure you're the bestest teacher, Duke!!!

Catherine said...

Humans are very hard to train. :)
xo Catherine

Hootin Anni said...

OMG!!! I am rolling!! Now if you, dear Duke, would demonstrate how to snuggle up on the rug with the sunrays...circling around and around before the position is just right, I may wanna learn. But pooping? I think I'll leave that up to you two!! In all honesty, if your mom had to go out in that frigid weather, I think her pooper would freeze shut!!!

crafty cat corner said...

Love you Duke...

Donna said...

Mr. Duke, the master of poop grouping, LOL! I read the other day that the dog circle is because they are lining up with the earth's magnetic field. Who knew?

Grace said...

You know it took me a minute or so to get that - 'get her poop in a group' - Love it!

Sharkbytes said...

Oh Duke, you do have a difficult life as a teacher!

Sandee said...

Bwahahahahahahahaha. I just love you Duke.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. :)

BeadedTail said...

Duke, we bet the neighbors are very thankful she doesn't listen!

Out on the prairie said...

My dogs go crazy when I tell them lets go poop in the park.a treasured moment for them.

Marie said...

LOL! This is a first and so funny!
You're so cute, as always! Hope to see more of you this year!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well, I've learned that picking up POOP during the winter is much easier that the rest of the year! Does that help you, Ann????...:)JP

Unknown said...

I would seek to add support by admitting that I often have great difficulty getting my "stuff" together, but I am really not that nice of a guy. So, I won't.

Bossy Betty said...

Awwwww, You are so adorable! I hope that human listens to you soon!

Marg said...

Hi there Duke. That look says it all. Hope the Mom gets her poop straightened out soon. Good job Duke giving her instructions. Take care.

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