Sunday, January 5, 2014

Something that bugs me

If you've read my blog for a while, you know how much snow and winter bug me, but that's not the only thing.

I suppose I actually have lots of pet peeves but one in particular I want to ask about today. Is it just me or is it really annoying when you go into a store or a restaurant and the person waiting on you calls you either, honey, sweety, darling, or dear?

I work with several girls who call the customers hon all the time and another one calls everyone dear. Drives me up a wall.

Yes, I believe in being friendly when you're waiting on a customer but you can do it without using sappy sweet pet names. I guess I just don't see it as real professional.

So tell me what you think. Do you like having a stranger or someone you only know casually call you by those names? Do you use those names yourself?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love your bird snow castle.. so cute, hope it melts soon...
i have never liked those pet names people sling around, especially if it is a man that does it. there is one guy at the gym that does that using sweetie or hon... i do not think it is professional and would think they store would say something. i just ignore it because it does not good to say anything, just makes an enemy of a stranger. that is a thing of the past and i think they just got used to it.

Sharkbytes said...

I really hate it. Period.

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures, especially the birdfeeder! :-)

I don't like it either!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I frequently give people I care about "names"..Jelly Bean (my oldest grand daughter), Luv Muffin (a fellow blogger), Baby Girl (a dear friend & fellow blogger), Twinkles (my former boss), Boss (my Tai Chi instructor)...but they don't seem to mind...:)JP

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Lovely snow pictures and to answer your question it's annoying and irritating as hell - to be blunt about it! So ... don't go to Baltimore Ann as everyone is called 'hon' ... hahahaha


Grace said...

Because I am older (much) and look at it, I rarely get called anything besides Ma'am or Miss Grace by young people who know me, or by my last name, unfortunately prefaced with Ms. - I hate Ms!

I, on the other hand, will sometimes call a person darlin' but only if I am engaged in a conversation with them - and it is a pleasant one. I worry about that sometimes tho. I will address children I don't know as 'Sweetie" or 'Sweetheart" - as in "sweetheart, I don't think you should be doing that, where is your Mama?"

What I HATE, HATE, HATE, when I am with my husband, is being greeted with "You guys" The building manager here does it, certainly in restaurants it is SOP - and I effin' hate it!

And your photos are fabulous!!!

Sandee said...

Well, I do this and it's something my mother did and my grandmother did. It's a habit I got into and stuck. So I guess I would run you up the wall too. I don't do it to everyone, but folks I really like.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

I hate it too! Especially when the person is obviously much younger than me!

Out on the prairie said...

Rather personal to me.I have to laugh at it sometimes.

BeadedTail said...

No one calls me that in stores or restaurants so I must not be too sweet or darling! :) I don't think I'd like a stranger saying that to me but it's okay for people close to me to call me those things. Well, except when my hubby replies "yes dear" in 'that' tone!

Catherine said...

Hmmm...OK...I'm one of those customers that does call my favorite girls that wait on me at Tim Horton's "my dear". But just the ones that know me and always have my order ready before I ask for it. GUILTY!!!!! Hahaha!

But I'm kind of 'fluffy'. I don't mind older ladies and men calling me sweet names.

But, to each there own.

Have a terrific Sunday sweetie!

errr....Ann.... ;)

Haha - happy Sunday!
xo Catherine

Catherine said...

I do HATE being called "Mrs..." though. Hate it! That's my mother-in-law. Ms. please. ;)
xo Catherine

Lin said...

Nah, doesn't bother me so much. But what does bother me is the younger generation that calls everyone "guys." So when you walk in a store, they yell "Hi, guys!" I'm not a guy, I'm a GIRL! (and I often say so, which drives my family crazy)

I used to call the kids "honey" in band when I was feeding them or fitting them for uniforms--and that was only because I couldn't remember everyone's names. There were 100 kids or so and I have NO memory anymore.

booahboo said...

It doesn't bother me that much if someone calls me that.. LOL! But i don't go around calling people with sappy pet names if i don't know them that well. Hope the snow lightens up a little. It sure is beautiful though.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your snowy bird feeder. And I have been called a lot worse! lol
Stay warm,

Donna said...

Guilty as charged, LOL. I mean it kindly, and most folks in the south say such terms of endearment a lot.

Doris Sturm said...

I love your snow pictures- I miss the snow! I can't remember the last time I've seen it in real life. I do not,nor would I ever call strangers, especially customers, by pet names. I was just raised differently, but living here in the South for 9+ years, I got used to it, especially in casual diners. I'd definitely would not like it in a fine restaurant, but I don't mind if they call me "Hon" "Darlin" or "Sugar" because that's the only time someone ever calls me sweet neames like that and it's kind of cute....again, only inan informal place, though! But, personally, I would not do it.

Molly Smith said...

Love looking at the photos but know you don't like the snow. Thanks for sharing!

It does bother me a little unless it is an older waitress who I can tell has been waiting and talking like that her entire career. We hear hun a lot down here. My husband (from Chicago, 68) says dear a lot :o)

Unknown said...

Did you just take a shot at me, my dear Ann? SIC 'ER, DUKE!

Duni said...

As you probably know I absolute hate the snow...but your pictures are so pretty!
Nope, can't say any sales person has ever called me that, but I guess over here they don't get personal ;-)

Helen said...

I agree. I think a "hello" is good enough.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I completely agree with you! I'm fifty two years old and the last thing I want to hear from a twenty three year old is, "Ok hun, have a great day!"

The way I see it, if I'm not sleeping with you, or you didn't give birth to me, then I'm not your hun, honey, or sweetey!

Is that too blunt?

Dee said...

It does not bother me....I have a friend who says it all the time and she means it in a good granny would make me violent LOL

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