Tuesday, January 28, 2014

enough is enough

I've had enough of this weather. Saturday it looked like this out my front window

You can barely see the houses across the street
Seriously, you're out driving in this? I hope wherever you're going it's important. I for one did not leave the house

Here's a view out the back window


bichonpawz said...

Same here Ann! It is driving me a bit crazy!! My husband doesn't mind driving in it...so I had him drive me to Joann's for some new craft supplies!! Works out great!! Stay warm and hope it stops snowing...

Pat said...

Urggh.. pretty in pictures, but a nightmare in real life. Unless of course, you don't have to go out to work - and you've a nice big fire, indoors :) s

crafty cat corner said...

As I've just said to another blogger, its rain here, not snow but just as depressing, all dark and gloomy. Can't go for a country walk as the ground is like custard, who wants to walk along the seafront in the rain?
Don't like being down but really, I can't wait for some sunshine.

Catherine said...

Groan!!! It's getting quite sickening indeed isn't it?
Keep warm my friend!
xo Catherine

The Florida Furkids said...

We never understand why some people go out in really bad weather (unless they are emergency workers or something like that).

The Florida Furkids

Unknown said...

We had wind gusts up to 50 mph when this current front went through, but no snow so far.

Duni said...

This is what it looks like currently up north here and I sure don't hope it will travel down to us!!
Keep safe and stay warm!

Unknown said...

That is a lot of snow and you're right, no point in getting out and especially not driving in it!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this makes me depressed and cold and i am not even THERE.. yowsa! and good for you staying warm and safe...the car was probably going to 7/11 for coffee. LOL
hope it all melts soon and your temps rise and shines sun on your yard... think pool with duke floating in it

Helen said...

We had a bit more snow on Saturday too. I'm counting down toward Spring. I think there are 54 days until spring.

Christine said...

Oh that is wild! Too much!
And you're just right to stay out of it!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my....and here I'm complaining about the cold snap that moved in here overnight bringing the temps down to the low 40s for now. At least we don't have the white out conditions. Yuck.

Tanya. said...

As of yet we haven't had any snow. I really would like some as I think Trojan will love it...but I don't want it to this extent. Hope the seasons turn for you soon Ann.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

As long as I don't have to go out in it and we don't lose electricity then I don't care if it snows ... When I worked and it was bad weather I wouldn't drive and as I told my boss if you want me at work ... well come and pick me up and he did!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

As long as I don't have to go out in it and we don't lose electricity then I don't care if it snows ... When I worked and it was bad weather I wouldn't drive and as I told my boss if you want me at work ... well come and pick me up and he did!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

As long as I don't have to go out in it and we don't lose electricity then I don't care if it snows ... When I worked and it was bad weather I wouldn't drive and as I told my boss if you want me at work ... well come and pick me up and he did!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

As long as I don't have to go out in it and we don't lose electricity then I don't care if it snows ... When I worked and it was bad weather I wouldn't drive and as I told my boss if you want me at work ... well come and pick me up and he did!

Out on the prairie said...

Hardly any on the ground here after a 2 day thaw, just bitter cold

Bossy Betty said...

I would seriously go out of my mind. Yikes.

Grace said...

Thankfully we don't get much of that white stuff but the cold this year is unusual...back to the low 40's by the weekend - Yay! I'll never live North again, and I don't I want to go much further South.

Sandee said...

I don't live in snow country and I'm ever so happy that I don't. I'd move.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to the little man Duke. ♥♥♥

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yipes... Looks like a blizzard to me! Do they ever close the bakery in weather like this--or are you expected to get to work somehow?????? Gads...


Chatty Crone said...

It is snowing here today and the schools have closed - Kelly is trying to go get Andy and Rick is trying to come home too. When it snows here in Georgia - Houston there is a problem. Keep warm. sandie

Twinkle Terrior said...

treacherous winter - we all agree. stay warm

BeadedTail said...

Ick! I spent the weekend outside enjoying our gorgeous weather! :) Of course now it's drizzly and cloudy but at least there's no snow!

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

A blizzard. They've forcast snow here in England!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Dee said...

Nasty nasty weather.....even for a person who loves Winter. We have beaten all of the weather records for cold and snow for the month of January here in Michigan....:-/

jp@A Green Ridge said...

"Hello in there"...hope you and that little hairy handsome pooch are snuggled under the blanket!...:)JP

Donna said...

That does look a bit dismal, I have to admit. Our snow is looking very pretty right now - about 3 inches. But I don't have to drive in it, so that makes a big difference.

Donna said...

NoNoNo to the snow....ugggggg!!!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Apparently the snow gods don't think it's enough. I'm not sure where you live but up here at the southern tip of Lake Michigan, we are supposed to get dumped on tonight! I just got back from the store to stock up on food and other important items like wine!

Sharkbytes said...

Good pictures, but I think I'm tired of the topic.

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