Sunday, January 26, 2014

Smell the light

Yes, you did read that right. I said, or rather wrote, no make that typed, "smell" the light.

No, I have not lost what was left of my mind.

One of Wade's daughters gave us this for Christmas

This is one of those plug in tart warmers. Not the bigger kind but night light size that you plug right into an outlet. It gives my bathroom a nice glow and it smells good too. Current scent is caramel apple.


Tanya. said...

Looks lovely Ann and I bet it smells good enough to eat!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is pretty and that smell would have me drooling. a blogger commented yesterday she wished there was a smell function on blogs.

Teresa Ashby said...

That is so pretty and the scent sounds delicious x

Donna said...

That is a lovely light. I wish we had smell-a-net!

Grace said...

I use essential oil night light plug-ins all over the house - useful on 2 accounts. Tho the ones I have are certainly not as pretty as that one.

Sandee said...

Yes, you can smell the light. I love it and it's very pretty too.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gosh, if I walked by that, I would then hit the kitchen!!!...:)JP

Out on the prairie said...

very nice light, I always take one when I stay in motels also.

Carole Barkett said...

Yum, sounds as good as it looks

Donna said...

Hadn't seen them!! I will though!

marie said...

I love this....what a neat idea. Night light size sounds perfect!

Sharkbytes said...

It's very pretty. You make me want to bake something apple. Almost

Sheryl Hastings said...

And it's so pretty too! I just recently started using the reeds that sit in a vase of oil. Those room fresheners just don't last as long or look as pretty as the plug-in tart warmers and reeds.

Nancy said...

I have one of those too, only the wax lasts much longer than the scent, I have found.

That a pretty warmer.

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