Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Please don't make fun of my team

Mom will you get out of here with that camera. People will see me wearing my Steelers coat and make fun of me because my team didn't make it to the playoffs this year.

Duke don't worry about it. You friends would never make fun of you. They love you. Come on, look at the camera and smile big.

Fine, I'll look at you but I won't smile


Unknown said...

You look great Duke, as always :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

duke has to be first cousin to Jake... BOL... but handsome he is smile or not smile...

Donna said...

You are always a handsome little devil, Mr. Duke, even if you do support a losing team. LOL!

Donna said...

Awww, we'd Never laugh at the Duke!!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Oh Duke, I would never make fun of you! However, in these parts, I'm wearing my "Bears" gear!

Signed, Bubba

PS..Dad and brother are big Chicago and Indians sports fans, but Mom doesn't know the difference between a field goal and a foul ball.

Sheryl Hastings said...

oops, not Indians, it should be INDIANA. I told you mom doesn't know this stuff!

Out on the prairie said...

Tough not to have ones team win, maybe next year

Sharkbytes said...

That is a good looking coat, and you can root for whatever team you like Duke. Now smile!

Sandee said...

Well I sure love you Duke. Yes I do.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

Awww...you look adorable in your coat, Duke :)

Christine said...

I think you suit the coat and you're a winner in it, Duke!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute photos.... Yes--the Steelers didn't have a good year ---but neither did my Tennessee Titans... Oh Well.

I'm a little shaken. We had a near-miss-head-on car accident yesterday afternoon when a car was coming straight toward us in OUR lane. We swerved and went into the ditch. Luckily, we are fine and no damage to the car --other than being dirty. BUT--we were just lucky that the ditch wasn't steep…. SCARY!


BeadedTail said...

Duke, our team already lost in the playoffs and hadn't even been to the playoffs for many years so we're certainly not laughing at all. Especially when you're so darn handsome we don't even notice the Steelers on your coat!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann so he didn't smile...but you did such a great job on that texture in the second, it made me smile!...:)JP

Dee said...

If I was a dog I would hope that I would be as good looking as Duke...I like the texture of the last photo.

Reeni said...

Such a handsome boy! He's so photogenic!

Unknown said...

Be assured that no one would dare laugh at you, my dear Duke. When it come to myself, however, I am not nearly so sure. Sigh.

marie said...

My son, Joe, is a Steelers fan...he loved this photo! He's not smiling much either Duke...at least not about football!

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