Thursday, January 29, 2015

Another reason to hate winter

As if I really needed another reason but I do have one more.

I dislike driving in winter conditions and even more so at night. Well throw in a snow plow that you get stuck behind and I'm ready to pack my bags and move south. Sandra, do you have a room I could rent?

Any way, I was behind a snow plow the other morning and they now have these horrible flashing lights on the back of them that just about blind you. I realize they want to be seen but this is overkill. Most of the time I can't pass them because with that darn light flashing I can't see around them.

I snapped this while I was sitting at the stop light.

Now, imagine driving down the road with that light flashing on and off the whole time in front of you.


Deb said...

Guess wearing sunglasses is not an option?! Hope it stops snowing so you don't have to squint your way to work.

Christine said...

Ugh! We got more snow last night but the sun is out now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can relate to the flashing lights.. our garbage trucks have them and they are blinding in the dark... lights and snow and dark and cold oh my..come on down

Out on the prairie said...

Were you humming,"Blinded By The Light"?

Duni said...

I totally agree! I wish winter was over already. Sigh.

Marie said...

that would be a drag. if you head down to Florida, stop in NC on your way. :)

Sandee said...

I hate winter too, but we don't have winters like that. It doesn't snow. You get about 2.5 months of cold and sometimes very cold (not by your standards I'm sure) and then spring shows up. I'm waiting for that and it happens in February.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Boy you must leave for work at o'dark thirty! Heading south would be a great option...I've heard Charleston is a nice area to move ... by the way - have you told Wade you're heading south yet?

Have a great one and be super careful out there!

Grace said...

Not to be too practical, those bright flashing lights could trigger a seizure in those folks who have that condition. Kinda scary...(Yeah, winter sucks!)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes! And of course you are not allowed to pass them.

Connie said...

Just keep telling yourself that spring is right around the corner.
God bless and drive safety in that stuff.
Connie :)

BeadedTail said...

I'm imagining a disco with strobe lights which made me think of Grease so now I'm humming those songs. Winter's not that bad! LOL!

Ida said...

I agree 100% with everything you just said. Thankfully here we've not had much of a snow problem this winter.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I feel your pain! The snowplows are the necessary evil. I'm not a fan of winter and if Sandra has that room available, let me know!

Sharkbytes said...

I agree, those are too bright. I came up on a plow too fast because I thought, based on the brightness of the light, that it was much farther ahead than it was.

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