Wednesday, January 7, 2015


It looks like winter is finally here. Anyone that's been with me for a while knows how much I hate this time of year.
Monday we had our first snowfall of the year. It didn't turn in to a huge accumulation for the day but for a while it was coming down really fast

Now we are expecting a big snow storm that could dump 8-12 inches of snow by tomorrow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh no! Will you have to go to work? Is that your little well? I think I remember it. It really looks charming in your snow picture

Duni said...

Oh no...
I'm not a fan of the white stuff either. Take care!

Unknown said...

It is looking like we will miss out on any snow and ice this round. Oh, but the temps will get down into the single digits, and stay there for at least the next two days.

Hootin Anni said...

Go South!!!

bichonpawz said...

You have no idea how much I want to head south right now!! I'm with Hootin' Annie!! I HATE this weather!!

Out on the prairie said...

-28 wind chill here when I ran out to get my paper.It makes me want to be tropical

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if this is what not much coming down looks like i don't want to see the 8 to 12 inches. hope it passes you by

Christine said...

Ugh! No thanks! Some stomy weather with us but no snow forecast.

marie said...

Hmmm....8-12 inches! That would have sounded fun to me last year. But for some reason, being another year older has made me like snow less! I think it must be your influence Ann! :)

Grace said...

Ack! You get lake effect snow too, don't ya? I don't mind the cold but the snow...nah. Plus around here snow quickly becomes ice or we just flat out get ice storms and there is just no arguing with ice - I've got permanent damage from ice. Plus nothing is flat here - it's all hills. I'm sitting here looking out on the parking lot, checking for puddles of melted ice - we have to go out soon, over hill and dell...Be afraid, be very afraid.

Donna said...

I also HATE Winter SNOW! Thank God we don't get much of the nasty stuff here in Waco...but ice? Yep...ugggg.

Katie Sews said...

Countdown to spring!

Katie Sews said...

Countdown to spring!

Sandee said...

As much as I hate California, at least there isn't any snow here. That's one plus.

Have a fabulous day and stay warm and safe. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is right!
I get cold just looking at that photo. I hope that you do not have to drive in it or that at least they have all of your roads nice an clear. Bundle up and stay warm my friend.
Connie :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

It's pretty but its COLD. Stay Warm Golden Woofs

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You lucky duck! Please do not let Gibbs out alone without a periscope!!!!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

Brrr! No snow here and still lots of green but also lots of fog this week. That makes is so dreary!

Deb said...

Looks like you got the same weather as us, snow and lots of it! Stay safe and warm Ann

Marie said...

so sorry! pretty picture though. :)

Sharkbytes said...

Very pretty picture. We are getting dumped on here with wind, so it's not pretty coming down. For now I am IN, safe and warm. Will have to get out for work tonight.

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