Monday, January 12, 2015

Project 365 1/4 -1/10

1/4 A trip to the mall to pick up a coat. Wade ordered a coat online from Penney's for me for Christmas but it was too small. When I returned it to the store rather than pay shipping again to have it delivered to the house I had them ship it to the store.

1//5 In an attempt to cut fat in my diet I bought these low fat pop tarts. One word EWWWWW

1/6 Getting in the car after work I noticed that the temperature was a whopping 19 degrees.Looking back I now know that wasn't as bad as the -4 we had the other day.

1/7 dinner was a burger and tater tots

1/8 going home from work I had to wait for a train so it was the perfect opportunity to pull out the camera and play while I waited.

1/9 the sun made a welcome appearance. it made for a beautiful view out the back door.

1/10 coffee and a cinnamon roll for breakfast. A nice way to start off a lazy Saturday morning.


Deb said...

Way to go Ann on keeping up with your 365 project. And I totally agree, low fat pop tarts, ewwwww!

Duni said...

Poptarts - I've always wondered about them. Sorry you're experiencing incredibly cold weather. Ugh.

Marg said...

Yup, we don't think that low fat pop tarts would be good either. Glad you are enjoying your camera so much.I love playing with the camera that I have. You have a great day Ann.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have found that the words low fat on anything means it will taste awful. except for skim milk, i love that. before i read the post i had a good laugh at the low fat pop tarts above the tater tos, burger cream cheese all in a row.. just to funny... the temps is no funny though..

Out on the prairie said...

I made some cinnamon rolls the other day, and ate them until finished. I have a really good no fail recipe. Never been a Pop Tart fan, and don't like lowered fat products.

Christine said...

Give me the high fat cinnamon roll over low fat pop tarts any day!

Hootin Anni said...

We only live once in this lifetime, I'm gonna eat what I like. Just in moderation. No low fat for me...have you tried the no fat cheese? OMG....gimme a thick slice of fatty processed velveeta any o' day.

0% fat free milk is good tho.

Love the it brown?

Grace said...

No fat/low fat: guaranteed to be inedible! Back in the days when I had a dog, I bought low-fat cream cheese, even the dog wouldn't eat it and you know dogs will eat anything!

Sandee said...

Love your new header. Too cute. Although you know how much I loved Duke.

Low fat anything is usually not good. I see you recouped from that little error.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. :)

BeadedTail said...

Going low fat with pop tarts but then having tater tots - love that! :) Low fat or any 'diet' food is usually icky or has chemicals in it so best to just enjoy yummy things like tater tots and cinnamon rolls!

Marie said...

those are my son's favorite pop tarts, but not in low fat. I don't do low fat. LOL! Cinnamon rolls and coffee is always a yummy way to start the day. :)

Lin said...

I have a sensor on my new car that beeps to tell me that the temperature outside is cold. No kidding, Car...I live in Chicago in the winter---it's ALWAYS cold!! I think that little buzzer may just wear itself out one of these days.

Sharkbytes said...

Nice collection in a collage like that. If you are going to eat a pop tart you might as well go full strength. They aren't exactly a health food. I get them from the vending machine at work occasionally.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I must say that your coffee and cinnamon roll sounds like a much better breakfast than the low fat poptarts. I personally love the chocolate chip poptarts. I would have pulled out my camera while waiting for the train too. If you have wait, you might as well make the best of it.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I love this recap!...:)JP

Unknown said...

Then what happened?

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