Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sometimes peoples are just no fun

Some people can be real downers. Just when a pup wants to have fun what do they do?

I'll tell you what they do. They come home from work all "I'm tired" and acting like it was so tough going out to get treat monies.
I'm in the one who gets stuck home alone all day long in a little play yard with no one to sniff. How much you wanna bet they come home tonight and do the same darn thing. I oughta pack my kibble and move on out.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think when you are a bit older, you will appreciate all the comforts your people provide for you. And sorry, but no, they are not bounding with energy all day long like you are. Nighty night, sweet boy.

Sandee said...

You know they love you Gibbs. You have to be patient with them. After all they are only human.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

Hello Gibbs! I'm sure your Mom got you special treats for being so patient :)

Hootin Anni said...

LOL...sorry, Gibbs, but I can just picture you with your red bandana on a stick, wrapping up your kibbles and favorite toy, and heading down the tracks to find someone who'll play and love you. But...alas, it's a LONG LONG trek down the tracks for 1000s of miles to my place....

YOU SHOULD JUST MUSTER UP ALL THE looks of lonesomeness and it'll work like a charm!!!

You're so darned cute.

Lin said...

Oh, you poor thing! I think you need to come to Aunt Lin's house for a vacation. We are dog-ready here and the kitties are already used to Sammy the Weiner Dog.....

Out on the prairie said...

Poor little dog, he needs a playmate.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh poor poor Gibbs.. home alone... i will send you the movie Home Alone to give you ideas on how to stay entertained and be worn out when they come home from earning your treats...

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Just catching up on all your posts ... love the new blog look ... keep warm as we countdown to spring!


Grace said...

Oh the horror of it all! But don't be doing any packing - we would miss you so much...

Anonymous said...

oh you poor thing. Hop the train and come see me oh second thought. We don't have any trains where I live or commercial planes. So you can be littlest Hobo and run for days and I will be waiting for you with open arms.

BeadedTail said...

You can come over here Gibbs! We work from home so we'll keep you company all day long!

Donna said...

You are just too cute, Gibbs. Come on over and visit with me. I'll play with you!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well Gibbs, it's like this. Unless Mommy and Daddy they will never be able to retire and stay home with you ALL DAY LONG...:) Now stop moaning and suck it up OR pack your kibble and have Mommy drop you in the mail to me!...Auntie JP

Marie said...

laughing at Sandra's comment!! you're just too cute!!!

Reeni said...

Aww Gibbs if we lived closer you could come visit me and have a playdate with Moon! :-)

Sharkbytes said...

Aw, Gibbs... hang in there. Your peoples will play with you after they get a little rest.

Antonella said...

Just breathe puppy... those pesky owners eventually sleep and have energy to play. Remember, patience is a virtue, lol
Antonella :-)

Unknown said...

Yeah, and then there is the matter of you being an afterthought finally added to the new header. Do you want me to call the egregious puppy abuse hotline? They are quite familiar with your address.

Deb said...

Humans! All a pup wants to do is have fun!I sympathize Gibbs but if I were you I'd stay put, I think you've got a pretty sweet deal there!

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